Welcome to the Emigration Destination Guide for emigrating to USA here at emigrate.co.uk.
Visas To Enter The United States
Anyone wishing to enter the United States for business or pleasure must have a visa. Each year more than six million visas are issued to temporary visitors along with around 450,000 immigrant visas. There are several kinds of US visas that serve specific purposes for entry into the country. Unless you are a citizen of one of the 36 countries...
Buying A Business In America
Considering the amount of red tape and paperwork required to open a new business in America, it is often preferable to simply buy an existing business that has proved profitable. Once the business has been established in the eyes of the government it is just a matter of keeping up with the required taxes, paperwork and other official...
Legal Services And Costs In America
Whether you plan to start a business from scratch, invest in an existing company or buy an established business outright, it can be very helpful to enlist the help of a specialised lawyer to keep the paperwork moving along. New businesses in particular require compliance with US regulations, licensing and other government agencies, most of...
Opening A Business In America
America is one of the best countries in the world to try your luck at opening a business, but it definitely takes a combination of luck and determination to succeed. While the government keeps an eye on all official business activity, overall it is very supportive of both small independent businesses and large corporations. There are a number...
A Brief History Of America (part 1 Of 2)
As one of the world’s youngest nations, the United States has a relatively brief historical timeline. But few can argue that in its 250 years of existence the US has been involved in many of the major geopolitical events that have shaped our modern era. And while its role as the world’s superpower may be on the wane, it still influences...
A Modern Global Power Assumes Its Crown (part 2 Of 2)
Although America largely stayed out of WWI, it still enjoyed a major boost in manufacturing to support the European nations involved in it. This helped the country recover from the Great Depression and set its economic gears rolling again. By the time WWII came around, America planned to use the same strategy of staying out of the actual...
American Cuisine
From such an ethnically diverse country as America, it only seems natural that its cuisine would be equally unique. But instead of forging new culinary genres, American chefs have taken an easier road by fusing different cuisines together to create dishes that blend the best elements from around the world in ways that are both surprising and...
America’s Key Cultural Heritage
America has had an important influence on modern global culture thanks to its own unique cultural creations during the last 100 years of its development. Of course, its main contribution is the actual ideological core of the nation. No other country on earth pushes the boundaries of personal freedoms and equality as much as America. This...
Local Etiquette In America
America’s devotion to freedom is both its greatest asset and occasionally a sore spot with visitors from other cultures. On the plus side, it’s hard to say or do anything in particular that will offend an American. But it’s this very brash openness of speech and action that can often offend people who aren’t used to American freedom...
Understanding Local American English
For many non-native speakers of English, America offers the cleanest and most understandable version of the language. Most of the country speaks English without too much of an accent, making it fairly easy for visitors to keep up with the conversation. But the US is a big and diverse country, and there are a handful of unique dialects and...