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Offshore Oil & Gas Jobs In Australia

Today, there are more than 100 different offshore rigs located around Australia's maritime zone, employing hundreds of national and foreign employees. With the inherent dangers of oil rig work and the high turn-over of workers, Australian oil rigs are always looking for workers. Of course, working within an oil rig or gas rig offshore is not always the ideal environment for employment. The rigs can be dangerous, they require long working weeks away from family and friends, and travelling back home after a scheduled shift usually takes several hours.
Nevertheless, there are some things that workers will certainly enjoy about the job on an offshore oil rig. The salaries of employees are much higher than the average salary for a land-based employment opportunity. In addition, employees are well taken care of with regards to food and services while on the rig. Also, workers tend to develop a close plutonic relationship with fellow riggers.
There are a number of large rigs operated by oil and gas companies around Australia. These include Ensco, Maersk and Seadrill, among others. Upon these rigs, there are dozens of different employment positions up for grabs. Electrical engineers, drilling engineers, mechanical engineers, mechanics, cooks, and geologists are just some of the positions available on rigs. However, skilled labourers are not the only employees. There are plenty of positions for unskilled workers too. These positions are usually called roustabouts, roughnecks or tool-pushers.
The best way to find work on one of the oil and gas rigs is to contact recruitment agencies. A reputable recruitment agency worth talking to is Offshore Marine Services. Others could be CML Offshore Recruitment and Nucleus Recruitment. For the skilled labour positions like engineers and IT professionals, a relevant degree in the chosen field and accreditation is required. For example, engineers should hold a university degree in engineering, and belong to the industry's governing body. For positions as drillers, a person must have certification to operate drill machinery, and are usually required to have several years experience.
To work on an oil rig, employees must have an up-to-date First Aid certificate. Without it, nationals and migrants will find it difficult to work in this field. Employees also must complete stringent medical tests and strict safety regulation tests, known as the BOSIET, before they can work in this industry. In addition, a MSIC card is sometimes required when travelling into the maritime zone of Australia.
Salaries are the number one reason why people want to work in the oil and gas rig industry. Roustabouts and other entry level employees will earn between $55,000 and $65,000 per year. However, salaries become higher when workers gain more experience. The average salary on oil rigs is about $90,000 to $110,000 per year. However, some engineering positions and drill management jobs can earn workers over $150,000 per annum.