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Australian Visa Costs And Red Tape In Australia

The Australian Skilled Independent Visa enables highly skilled migrants to receive permanent residency based solely on their work experience and skills. All fees are charged in Australian dollars and the charges are also reviewed on 1 July every year, which can raise the cost of the visa. There are two instalments to make for this visa. The first must be paid at the time of the initial application and is $2960, while the second instalment is $4110 and is to be paid after the visa is granted.
The Australian Skilled Sponsor Visa enables you to gain permanent residence based on a combination of your work experience, skills and either sponsorship from an Australian State or Territory or sponsorship from a member of family who is a permanent resident of the country already. As with the Skilled Independent Visa, the cost is $2960 for the first instalment and $4110 for the second instalment, to be paid upon application and upon being granted the visa respectively.
To be eligible for both these visas you must be under 50 at the time of application, be competent in the English language, nominate a skilled occupation, have recent work experience in your nominated occupation, have your skills assessed by the Australian assessing authority and undergo a medical examination to prove you are of good health. In addition, you will have to pass a character test and a points test.
The Australian Business Visa Program is aimed towards successful business owners, senior executives and investors, providing them the chance to move to Australia and develop existing or new opportunities in the country. In this class, the cost of permanent visa application is $6030, while the charge for a temporary visa application is $3030. These fees also include the applicant's partner, children and other dependent immediate family members.
If you are the wife or fiancée of, or in a long-term relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident, you could be eligible for an Australian Partner Visa. Applicants must have an Australian sponsor who will provide a written statement confirming that he/she will support you during the first two years in the country, including financial assistance. The relationship will be assessed, as will the applicants health and character.
The charges for the Partner Visa depends whether the application is made inside or outside the country. The charge must accompany the application and is not normally refunded if the application is not approved. If applying outside Australia, the charge is $1995. The prices are as follows if you apply from within Australia: 0, if you hold a Dependent Child visa; $965, if you hold a Prospective Marriage visa; $1220, if you arrived in Australia as a fiancée; $345, if you hold a Transitional Visa which was granted on the basis that you met the requirements for an extended eligibility entry permit; 2960, if you hold any other visa.