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Immigrating to Czech Republic
Immigrating to Czech Republic
For all other foreign nationals, they should go through the process of getting a work permit. They can regularize their immigration status in the Czech Republic by having their visitor status converted to work status. However, while their work permits are still being processed, they are not allowed to work. They can only do so when they have received their work visas.
As with any other country, there are several types of visas and work permits in the Czech Republic, and the most common type is the one known as the Type “D” visa. The applicant for this type of work permit should submit his application in person or through a person who has been granted the power of attorney. The application is filed with the local Czech Labor Office, and once it is approved by the Labor Office, an authorized person will prepare the “long-stay” visa application. The employee and each of his dependents who are with him will receive this application as soon as it has been forwarded to them, after which they will file accordingly.