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Immigrating to Gibraltar

If you migrate to Gibraltar through the property portal, you can either buy a property by yourself or with a group of people, among other options. While it is not really necessary to buy the property before the approval of your residency application, you must make sure that the property has been nominated and you've already paid a deposit for the property. The deposit is refundable and once your application is approved and you have completed your purchase of the property, you will be issued your residence permit. You can have your permit renewed after a specified period of time provided that you have met the requirements set by the government and you are already the owner of the property you are living in. Foreign nationals from non-EU countries can possibly be denied the right to buy a property in Gibraltar.
If you plan to reside in Gibraltar by virtue of employment, you must remember that you can only get a work permit in the country if no Gibraltar citizen can fill the position you are after. If you have already gained employment in Gibraltar and you already have your work permit, you will also be granted a residence permit for the period of time in which you are to stay in the country based on your work.