Emigrating to Russia

A Russian entry or exit visa will have two dates on them that will be written in a European style. The first date on this visa will indicate the earliest day that you could enter the country while the second date will be the day when you should leave. Russian tourist visas are often time granted only for the dates that are specified in the invitation letter that will be provided by the sponsor. Foreign nationals coming from the US often get granted visas that are only good for a minimum of four days.
However, if your visit to Russia is because you want to live there on the basis of an investment, perhaps, then you must get a temporary residence permit. This permit is valid for three years. However, if you are only a temporary resident permit holder, you must remember that you can stay in another region in Russia except where your permit was obtained. Your employment is also limited to the region where you live.
If you have lived in Russia for at least one year as a temporary permit holder, then you can apply for a residence permit. This permit will be valid for five years and can be extended for another five. If you already have a residence permit, you will already have the right to exit or enter Russia without presenting a visa.