Emigrating to St. Lucia

Emigrating to St. Lucia
If you wish to gain entry into St. Lucia, then you will need to have a valid passport. However, if you are from the United States and Canada, you could enter the country by just presenting adequate proof of your citizenship like a birth certificate or a photo ID like your driver's license. If you are a citizen of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States or OECS, you could visit St. Lucia by virtue of your passport, driver's license or identification card.

If you are a citizen of a Commonwealth country, then you need a valid passport to enter St. Lucia, although a visa is not required. However, you will be issued an immigration form which has a validity of stay that could reach up to a maximum of six months.

Based on the Foreign National and Commonwealth Citizens Employment Regulation, all foreign nationals who plan on getting a job or investing in a business in St. Lucia should apply to get a work permit. Applications can be made to the Labour Department of the Ministry of Legal Affairs, Home Affairs and Labour. Once you have secured your work permit, this will be good only for one year and should be renewed annually.

If you wish to relocate to St. Lucia permanently or you wish to become a citizen, then a permit for permanent residence or citizenship should be applied to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. However, you are only eligible to proceed with this application if you have resided in St. Lucia for two years already if you plan to get permanent residence or seven years if you are up for citizenship.