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Production And Manufacturing Jobs In The UK

Since changes to the UK’s immigration rules were announced in April 2011, manufacturers in the North and Northeast of the country have expressed concerns over a shortfall in skilled overseas workers willing to take up jobs unable to be filled by UK nationals. Over 50 per cent of manufacturing firms in the sector employ skilled migrant labour at present, mainly from EU countries.
Manufacturing centres in the UK are mostly located outside the London metropolitan area, with the Midlands and Northern regions the main focus.
The aerospace, electronics, pharmaceuticals and chemicals sectors are still flourishing, although traditional industries such as vehicle manufacturing are in serious decline.
Production techniques in UK manufacturing companies have become increasingly reliant on high-tech solutions in the last decade, affecting the nature of jobs in the sector. Graduates in the fields of technology, engineering, science, IT, design, quality assurance and process technology are increasingly required, as are plant and production managers with a technological background.
Biotechnology is a comparatively new field, and electronics is one of the fastest developing sectors. The aerospace industry is found in the West Country around Bristol; oil and gas-related manufacturers concentrate around Aberdeen, close to the North Sea rigs and the highest number of manufacturing companies is found in the East Midlands with Birmingham as its hub.
Graduates and skilled workers will need to present either a relevant degree or technical college qualification from a recognised UK or overseas educational institute, along with proof of previous experience in all but entry-level jobs. Further on-site training may be given, and many firms support the gaining of added qualifications.
Salaries in the industry vary according to experience, qualifications and the job itself, the size of the company, its location and its sector within the manufacturing industry. The starting point is around ?25,000, with supervisory or managerial positions paying upwards of ?35,000 to ?40,000. For migrant workers, a good level of spoken and written English is normally a requirement.