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Schooling In The UK

Basic schooling from the age of five through 11 at junior level and from 11 to 16 or 18 at secondary level is free in the UK, with some areas offering nursery places to children between the ages of three and five. Paid extras include outings, sports clothing and shoes, meals and the provision of musical instruments such as recorders.
Independent, fee-paying schools depend on parent charges for their entire revenue unless they are linked to City Livery Companies giving bursaries and scholarships to talented pupils from poorer homes as well as grants for school equipment. Fees vary according to the reputation and location of the school, with better-known schools attracting the best teachers.
For example, an independent day school will charge upwards of ?11,000 per annum for education, with extras such as school uniforms, charges for outings and summer camps, music lessons, special coaching and meals. Independent boarding school fees start at around ?25,000 a year, and rise according to the needs of the school.
The biggest shake-up in education for the last 50 years was in 2011, when the government introduced new rules for payment for university education, resulting in charges trebling across most UK universities. For specialised courses such as medicine, a student is expected to pay up to ?35,000 a year at top universities, with bachelor’s degrees across the board costing up to ?9,000 a year.
The changes will affect students coming from overseas less than those resident in the UK at present, as non-UK national students traditionally paid more than those born in the UK, leaving a possible loophole for migrant parents living in the UK who still own homes in their own country. Extras such as rent, food, transport and general living expenses are less outside the capital.
Charges set by vocational colleges such as City and Guilds for their courses vary according to the length of the course and its subject matter, but are still in the affordable bracket. UK vocational qualifications are recognised all over the world for their excellence and include business studies as well as practical training.