India to establish emigration authority

India to establish emigration authority
Once in existence, the Emigration Authority will provide details about its citizens who are migrating overseas for a variety of reasons. Mr Ravi stressed that the intention as not to prevent anybody from going overseas.
Currently, Indians who are seeking employment overseas are put in two separate categories. One requires a type of emigration clearance (ECR), while the other category (ECNR) does not demand such a clearance.
According to Ravi, the current ECNR category does not provide as much information as is required. However, with the proposed Emigration Authority, there will be a nation-wide jurisdiction which can more effectively address these issues, he added.
The number of ECR-required job-seekers has gradually dropped, with 625,000 in 2011 compared to 640,000 in 2010. One explanation is that ECR category migrants become eligible for clearance-waiver after they have served a fixed amount of time abroad.
The Indian government will sternly respond to “unscrupulous” agents who try to circumvent rules concerning employment of domestic maids overseas, said Ravi. Anyone hiring domestic maids via proper channels must now present to the host country’s Indian embassy a valid job contract and documents demonstrating a minimum bank balance of $2,500, a minimum salary of $250 - $300, a mobile phone facility, as well as provision for the maids to interview with embassy officials at fixed intervals, he added.
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