More SA professionals considering emigration

More SA professionals considering emigration
The most recent PPS Graduate Professionals Confidence Index indicates a 6 percent year-on-year drop, from 84 percent to 78 percent, in the amount of professionals who feel confident remaining in South Africa during the near future.
The confidence figure, compiled every quarter using surveys of professionals including engineers, doctors, lawyers, and accountants, had also dropped 5 percent from the previous three months. Gerhard Joubert, who is PPS marketing and stakeholder relations director, said the breakdown was a concern, despite the fact that the drop was off a high base.
Graduate professionals showed low confidence in the country’s education improving during the next five years, as an alarming 94 percent also cited the shortage of science and mathematics graduates as a big concern.
Confidence that joblessness would improve during the next five years fell by 4 percent year-on-year to 42 percent; confidence in the outlook of the South African healthcare system for the next five years dropped by 5 percent to 45 percent year-on-year.
Confidence in criminality rates getting better during the next five years also dropped to 43 percent from 45 percent one year ago.
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