Which expat haven gives the most happiness and contentment

Which expat haven gives the most happiness and contentment
According to recent surveys, up to 50 per cent of UK residents would head off to fresh fields and pastures new given half a chance, but deciding the best location for a new life can be fraught with dangers. A new poll by Lloyds Bank International may be able to help, as it gives the lowdown on a number of popular expat havens.
The survey, carried out late in 2012, polled 1,089 expats living in 13 favourite destinations, and quantifies quality of life, cost of living, comparative wages if in work and the overall happiness factor resulting from their choice of country. The real-life experiences rather than travel brochure spin are expected to help would-be migrants make the right decision.
Popular countries included Canada. France, Australia, South Africa, the USA and the UAE, with over 50 per cent of those polled saying they were happier than in the UK, no matter where they were living. Half of the respondents had a lower cost of living, and 53 per cent reported higher salaries than in their home country.
Expats in the USA noted the largest decrease in their cost of living, and those working in the UAE stressed an improvement in their quality of life but were concerned about the emirate’s education system. Much closer to home, respondents living in Jersey experiences a higher happiness quotient.
The quality of life of 74 per cent of those surveyed had improved considerably, according to the survey, with France the top country for lifestyle, voted for by 89 per cent. A wealthier lifestyle was noted by 69 per cent of expats living in the USA, due, they said, to far cheaper prices across the board.
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