Tiny Brunei beats out Malaysia for expat satisfaction in S E Asia poll

Tiny Brunei beats out Malaysia for expat satisfaction in S E Asia poll
Malaysia isn’t best pleased that it’s been knocked off the top spot in a survey undertaken by the American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce. A total of 475 senior executives employed in ASEAN countries by US companies took part, with Malaysia tying with Laos and Singapore for second place.
Apparently it’s Malaysia’s definitely unattractive tax structure and its graft which lowered its popularity with expatriates, but being in second place along with underdeveloped Laos as well as Singapore must have been a bitter blow. Tiny Brunei scored the full 100 marks based on expat satisfaction.
Various international bank executives in Kuala Lumpur are grudgingly noting that the number of respondents from the oil-rich island was, to put it mildly, quite small. They’re also pointing out that over 80 per cent of Malaysian expats extend their postings given half a chance.
Brunei, it seems, has it all, proving that small packages are a least as good and often better than their larger competitors. According to reports from international companies’ branches in Malaysia, corruption is killing the goose and the lack of golden eggs is being noticed by head offices back in the USA.
Indonesia-based respondents also mentioned graft, with 80 per cent saying its levels were unsustainable and wrecking business. The rest of ASEAN got barely a mention in most reports of the survey, but Laos’s joint second place gives an indication that the emerging nation needs watching carefully.
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