UK Foreign Office lists expat destinations at risk of terrorist attacks

UK Foreign Office lists expat destinations at risk of terrorist attacks
Following the worldwide surge in terrorist atrocities in 2017, a number of destinations favoured by expats and tourists alike have been revealed to be dangerous by the UK Foreign Office. The FO’s advisory makes it clear attacks can happen anywhere on the planet, but lists the countries it considers are the most likely to attract atrocities. Terrorist attacks overseas, it says, will continue targeting Western interests including British tourists, expatriates and travellers, with individuals and groups motivated by war in Syria and Iraq the most likely suspects.
The majority of countries listed are unlikely to be on the tourist trail, with the most dangerous locations including Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria, but Nigeria was placed in this category and is a hub for British oil and gas professionals. India is increasingly popular with expats and holidaymakers alike, and Egypt and Turkey, once popular with British tourists, are also home to British expats. One surprise inclusion is the Philippines with its high number of British retirees, small business owners and travellers. The southernmost island, Mindanao, is known to be unsafe for visitors due to terror attacks by ISIS sympathisers.
For several decades, Thailand has been an all-time favourite with British retirees as well as a hub for tourists heading for its coastal resorts and southern, tropical islands. Last year’s major explosions in Bangkok, in addition to the continuing violent unrest in the country’s southern provinces as well as ongoing political uncertainty after the military coup were enough to place the country on the Foreign Office’s list. As for European countries, France is most at risk, followed by the UK, Germany, Belgium and Greece, with Ireland and Italy also on the list along with a number of African states including the Central African Republic and Niger.
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