Expat relocations from UAE made easy

Expat relocations from UAE made easy
The do-do list associated with leaving the UAE isn’t quite as daunting as the one you made prior to your arrival in the emirates, but it’ll still need attention and organisation. Your first task is to list everything you need to do, not forgetting to include costs and, most importantly, timescales. As it’s highly unlikely you’ll be leaving with less than you arrived with, sorting out what’s essential and what you can dump of give away is a priority.
Assuming you’ve been living in a rental home, letting your landlord know well in advance of your departure date isn’t just courtesy, it’s a necessity as your lease will need to be cancelled and your rental deposit returned. If the lease is due for renewal, it’s far easier to rent a hotel room for the last few weeks than to negotiate an extension. You’ll also need to let your utility providers know you’re leaving in order to return your deposit before you close your local bank account.
If you’re en famille, you’ll be forced to give the children’s nursery or school a full term’s written notice of withdrawal in order to avoid losing your initial deposit. For those who don’t have that amount of time before they leave, it’s still the rule and a very unpopular rule at that. Selling off or giving away items you’ll not need before you book your shipper is recommended, as it’s easier for the company to estimate the exact cost if only the things you’re taking with you are on display.
Credit cards and loans will need to be cleared and cancelled before you leave and, if your employer is giving you a gratuity, he’ll need a ‘no liability’ letter from your bank before he hands over the cheque. If you’ve no financial liabilities at the time of leaving, complete closure of your UAE banking facilities is recommended in order to avoid subsequent monthly fees. Getting a letter from your bank confirming the closure is essential, just in case!
Finally, if your pets are relocating with you, the best way forward is to use a pet relocation firm recommended by your UAE vet as they can handle importation to your new country as well as ensuring all documentation is in order.
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