Settling in as an expat professional in Germany

Settling in as an expat professional in Germany
Let’s face it, wherever you’re heading, life as an expat is likely not to live up to your exact expectations, at least not in the short term. Moving to Germany is no exception to this rule, with getting used to your new home and work environment an exercise in realities rather than dreams. Feeling ‘out of place’ is normal for most newly-arrived expatriates, simply because the familiar in the home country is now the unfamiliar in a new country. Everything from food through language to the locals’ outlook on the world, and even the sound of the language, is daunting to all new arrivals. You may feel alone, but every expat anywhere on the planet has this uncomfortable feeling, at least for a while.
Once you and you possessions have arrived, every single thing seems like, and often is, hard work, especially when you’re struggling to learn enough German to get on with your life. Reality dawns after a few attempts to get in touch with friends and family back at home as you realise they’ve no idea how tough this all is for a new expat. Meeting new people in Germany can be tricky, as Germans aren’t the most outwardly friendly folks on the planet, often relying on superficial conversations as a polite way of distancing.
If you’re arrived with your partner, he or she will bear the brunt of your discomfort, making it advisable to share your feelings rather than curling up into a ball with ‘poor me’ inscribed on it. Negativity is your worst enemy, both at home and at work, and simply mustn’t be allowed to take hold. Old habits die hard, and those you brought with you would have been better left back in the ‘auld country’. In spite of the above, one thing’s for sure in that you will learn to enjoy your new country of residence, your new job and meetups with a host of new friends of both nationalities. Like anything else that’s worthwhile, this will take time and you’ll experience a few setbacks, but living and working as an expat in Germany can give you all you want and need if you give it a chance.
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