How do expats see their lives in New Zealand?

How do expats see their lives in New Zealand?
For expats, many of whom are from the UK, life in New Zealand isn’t perfect, but it beats the one they left in their home countries. For a good few, reasons why they chose the country included English as its official language, high liveability rankings, peace and quiet and the feeling that the islands are almost British by definition. Pastures, it seems, really are greener on the other side of the world.
However, life is never perfect, as many new arrivals have found, with a major gripe being the high cost of living and the reactions of New Zealanders should an expat mildly criticise any aspect of the country. Being told, it seems, to ‘stop being a whingeing Pom’ or’ if you don’t like it, move back home’ are both comments which do occur when expats are less than overjoyed with their new country of residence. Other complaints about the new homeland include the lack of double glazing and central heating in the average Kiwi property.
One aspect of life in New Zealand which gets nothing but praise is the islands’ superb natural beauty, made famous in the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. It’s true that the three movies were responsible for a surge in expat arrivals, especially from the UK. Pollution is either minimal or non-existent, and the country is one of the safest on the planet, especially for families, with its weather rarely a danger to life and limb. Basically, the outdoor lifestyle is almost unique in that it takes place in some of the loveliest regions on earth.
For expats looking to start their own businesses or study, opportunities are there, and childrens’ education is high quality. USA-style materialism isn’t common, and Kiwis seem more educated than their UK and USA equivalents. Downsides include poor transportation options as well as rents and food costs, and racism and xenophobia occasionally rear their ugly heads. The cost and quality of homes is another issue, as salaries are comparatively low compared with the West, but healthcare is good quality and affordable.
New arrivals who feel the need to make friends may find the process daunting, but confrontation is avoided at all costs especially outside the major cities. However, sexism can be a problem both in the work environment and at social gatherings. In the main, the majority of expatriates prefer their comments to be seen as constructive criticism as they appreciate the benefits the country has to offer.
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