British expats in Europe warned to get ready for a no deal Brexit

British expats in Europe warned to get ready for a no deal Brexit

British expats in Europe warned to get ready for a no deal Brexit

Would-be expats at present in the UK as well as regular business travellers to the EU are being warned to familiarise themselves with problems likely to occur post-Brexit.

Last weekend, the British government launched its online information campaign on how to prepare for Brexit, and is mooting a ‘shared responsibility’ as regards preparations for travel after October 31. The government website can be accessed at, and social media posts as well as advertising billboards will also be used to transmit information. Later this month, TV advertisements will air, possibly causing fury in expat communities which had problems with postal votes during the 2016 referendum.

The campaign itself is estimated to cost around £100 million, money which many expats and UK residents may consider could be better spent on a cash injection for the hugely underfunded NHS. As the same time, it’s been revealed the EU may classify a no-deal Brexit as a major economic disaster similar to an earthquake. The dramatic description is being used to justify freeing up funds for member states hard hit by the effect on bilateral trade.

The British government’s advertising campaign is believed to be concentrating on venues such as football stadiums as well as in commercial breaks during popular TV shows such as Coronation Street. It would seem attracting the lowest common denominator as well as traditional Labour Party voters is more crucial to the government than finding a way out of this mess. In addition, online seminars and displays of information at events are also to be set up.

Social media comments have already begun, with one stating the writer is enjoying the posters advising people to ‘get ready for Brexit’, especially as they don’t give any information on exactly how to do this. Seriously, the effect on those planning to emigrate as well as frequent business travellers is likely to be severe, as EU destination countries will not now have time to set up their own measures to deal with Britons needing everything from permission to enter their countries to advice on residency applications.

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