Expats loving the perks and privileges of a move to Europe

Expats loving the perks and privileges of a move to Europe

Expats loving the perks and privileges of a move to Europe

Recent research reveals expats in Europe are loving the perks and the lifestyle.

Some 33 million expatriates are estimated to be living in Europe at the present time, enjoying perks such as top salaries, career boosters, longer parental leave, better educational opportunities and a new, luxury lifestyle.

One of the reasons why expat professionals are queuing up to take advantage of what’s on offer is the higher quality of life, now superimposed on the previous reason of seeking adventure. Some even enjoy the challenge of learning a new language, especially if France is their new home. It’s not just Britain’s nearest neighbour which is setting out the welcome mat, as Spain’s well-deserved reputation for sun and a slower pace of life is a major draw for older expats wishing to stay active and healthy.

In Switzerland, expatriates love their upgraded lifestyles due to salaries set higher than the global average and are more than content with the small country’s political stability. It’s not that life as an expat overseas is perfect, as language barriers, seasonal depression, changes in climate and other concerns over which expats have no control are still issues to deal with.

Getting to grips with necessities such as banking, local healthcare and specific visa requirements is a major cause of stress amongst newly-arrived expatriates, and making new friends in a different culture can be the most tricky of all. In spite of obvious and not-so obvious downsides, the vast majority of expats in Europe are more than happy they made the move.

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