Becoming a single female expat isn’t as tough as you think

Becoming a single female expat isn’t as tough as you think

Becoming a single female expat isn’t as tough as you think

Moving overseas as a couple can be tough, but deciding to relocate to a strange land as a single female can seem daunting enough to prevent the move.

In the real world, single people make all their decisions as regards the kind of new life they need and the reasons why they’re moving overseas, making the entire experience very different from that experienced by couples or families. Creating a new life by going solo is, in many ways, far easier than having to take one’s partner’s preference into account or planning for family needs such as children’s education.

The first step is to be honest about your reasons for wanting to emigrate. If you’re simply running away from problems in your life, the reasons behind the issues won’t disappear but will follow you wherever you go. If you’re just coming up for retirement and you’re fully aware your pension won’t cover your home country expenses, that’s a valid reason!
Dependent on your chosen country, retiring overseas can cut your day-to-day expenses by at least 50 per cent, and property costs can also be halved.

If your present country has freezing winters, think how much money you’ll save on heating in your tropical destination, with the year–long warmth also great for your health. Of course, healthcare provisions and costs are also important in choosing your retirement destination, even if you’re in the best of health right now. Whether or not you’d prefer to live in an already established expat community, making friends in your new country is important. The majority of popular retirement hubs have expats’ clubs, with a visit before your move useful in introducing yourself whist you’re not stressed out by the move ifself.

The misconception that English as a second, international language is spoken all across the world is just that – a misconception. Learning at least the basics of your chosen destination’s language is essential as it helps you feel comfortable in your new home as well as making you welcome in the community at large. The most important trap to avoid is feeling afraid you’ll be unable to cope with the lifestyle change, thus forgetting that a lifestyle change embracing the real you was your main reason for expatriation!

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