Expert says learn host language before moving overseas

Expert says learn host language before moving overseas

Expert says learn host language before moving overseas

Those considering leaving the United Kingdom for a different land should try picking up at least some of the host country’s language before moving overseas in order to perform daily tasks and integrate more with the new surroundings, advises an expert.

Lindsay de Feliz, who is marketing manager with Expat Focus, encourages to chose the method of learning that suits them best in acquiring some language skills, giving a variety of suggestions for those considering relocating abroad.

Some people learn best face-to-face, while others prefer reading material. Many people prefer a computer or television programme. Some people fare better learning solo, while others prefer learning in groups, she explained.

De Feliz added that for those deciding to purchase property via an international money transfer, trying to become more proficient in the target language is a great way to make new friends.
 Attending language schools or finding a private tutor gives expats the opportunity to mingle with new people in a new land, with several of the students often expats themselves, says the marketing manager.

Expats should practice new vocabulary on a daily basis, added de Feliz, who explained that this would boost memory and confidence.
People should remember that local people often appreciate it when outsiders attempt to speak the local tongue, whatever the language skills of the speaker. This shows that the expat respects the local culture and wishes to get involved in the community.

De Feliz recently counseled prospective buyers to prepare themselves before making the major move, advising them to spend six months in the country before purchasing a home there.

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