Health - Emigrating to Canada

This is the category page for all Health related articles within the emigrating to Canada emigration guide here on

Health Risks And Vaccinations In Canada

Canada is one of the world's cleanest countries, with virtually no infectious disease issues to worry about. The water can safely be consumed from the tap in every city, food quality standards are up to international levels and other nasties like malaria and cholera simply don't exist here.While there are no required vaccinations to enter...

Healthcare Services In Canada

The healthcare system in Canada is publically funded through the income taxes of residents, so that nearly all services are free to the patient. While the government ensures the quality of healthcare via federal standards, it does not get involved in the actual medical process. That is left mainly to private institutions. Each citizen is...

Medical Insurance Costs In Canada

Under the Canada Health Act, every legal resident of Canada receives healthcare insurance cover without copayment. These services covered by national insurance include anything that is deemed medically necessary by a hospital or physician. Around 70 per cent of the expenses for Canada's healthcare program comes from public sources, which...

Public Versus Private Hospitals In Canada

Almost all the hospitals in Canada are public due to the existence of the national healthcare program called Medicare that guarantees basic health care to every citizen free of charge. Doctors in Canada are paid per visit or service provided, so there's no need to put them on salary as in many private hospitals. But the debate over what role...