Money And Costs - Emigrating to Canada

This is the category page for all Money And Costs related articles within the emigrating to Canada emigration guide here on

Getting On Your Feet In Canada

It can seem a bit bewildering at first when you move to a new country, but the same steps to adjusting apply in Canada as they do everywhere in the world. There is always more expense than you imagine or even plan for with a major relocation like emigration, so the first rule of thumb is to make sure you have more cash on hand than you think...

Household Costs In Canada

The costs of running a household in Canada are no different from any other country. There are a few basic expenses that cannot be avoided, and the rest of your monthly outlay will be based on the extra things in life that you can't do without. If you are frugal, living in Canada can be surprisingly cheap.The biggest cost each month will be...

Insurance And Healthcare In Canada

Healthcare is one thing the Canadian government gets mostly right. Its Medicare health insurance scheme provides free basic healthcare to every Canadian citizen regardless of income, employment or other factors. The costs to run this program come from Canadian income tax, making it a form of socialised healthcare.Each of Canada's seven...

Leisure Costs In Canada

Canadians work hard but they also value their free time and go out of their way to make sure they do enough leisure activities every month to stay happy and fit. This can range from having a few beers at the local bar to spending a weekend in a national park camping and enjoying the outdoors. Leisure activities in Canada do not have to be...

Opening A Bank Account In Canada

If you plan to stay in Canada on a permanent basis it is essential to have a bank account to help protect and manage your money. There are many advantages and benefits of having a Canadian bank account, and they are very easy to open if you are a Canadian permanent resident. To open a bank account, you need two forms of official Canadian...

Schooling In Canada

GUIDE LINK Schooling In Canada
If you live in Canada and have children over the age of six, they are required by law to attend school. Residents in Canada have a choice between the free public school system and a number of elite private schools that charge tuition. Children in Canada typically begin primary school around age six and continue until they are 18 years old and...

Tax And Social Security In Canada

The Canadian government, both at the federal and provincial level, derives the majority of its revenue from income tax on Canadian citizens. The amount each person pays per year is based on their taxable income. Except for Quebec province, the federal government collects all the taxes for provinces as well.There are several ways a person...

Transfer Money To Canada

There are several ways to transfer money to Canada, both from abroad and within the country. A bank wire transfer is the most common form of financial transaction, which sends an amount from one bank account to another. The two banks do not need to be the same bank, though you must be the account holder in at least one of them. In an...

International Moving And Shipping In Canada

One of the most stressful and daunting parts of moving to Canada from another country is the actual process of moving your household possessions. Canadian customs officials ensure that you cannot simply import whatever you want into their country so there is a lot research involved when arranging this major move.The best investment you can...