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Canadian Careers In Services And Retail

With stores big and small scattered all across Canada there is little trouble finding work in retail, which is basically sales. Most retail jobs require no more education than a high school diploma, though a two or four-year degree in anything certainly helps when searching for a job. Even experience is not necessary to get started with an entry level position in retail, though it certainly helps.
English language skills are important, however, because both retail and services positions usually involve a lot of contact with English-speaking customers. The core of a retail job is selling the company's product, so any prior experience in retail will translate well to other businesses. The pay is typically quite low for starting jobs, around C$7 an hour, and benefits are minimal if any.
But retail is one field where there is a lot of potential for promotion and pay raises for workers who are hard working and intelligent. Strong interpersonal skills, organisation and communication are key points for success in this sector. Retail manager positions are the goal for many floor staff, and they can make between C$30,000 and C$50,000 year with benefits.
The other side to retail is services. Every major company in Canada has a customer service crew whose job it is to assist customers with questions and problems. Most of these positions work via the telephone or internet from a central call centre. As in retail, communication skills are vital and English is a must. The hourly pay is about the same for service jobs as retail sales, but the goal is to work up to a managerial position and start making a salary with benefits.
If short-term work is your goal, or you just need to get a foot in the door, many consumer goods retailers hire seasonal workers to help out during the busy Christmas shopping period. From hypermarkets to large department stores, the big retailers often hire as many as 100 extra staff to work retail and customer service. During this period store managers typically keep and eye out for talented workers whom they offer a full-time job after the seasonal rush is over.