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Pets And Quarantine Into Canada

You must have an official Canada Veterinary Certificate filled out and signed by a licensed veterinarian from your home country in either the French or English language. This certificate can be downloaded from the government website but must be dated within 10 days of your departure date. This certificate is used when you are accompanying your pet on the plane.
The certificate shows proof of rabies vaccination in great detail, including the date of vaccination, the pet's country of origin, the brand name of the rabies vaccine and the serial number of that particular dose of vaccine. All of this is signed off by the vet in your home country. If the pet's owner is not travelling with the animal, the certificate must be completed and signed no less than 36 hours before the pet enters Canada.
Upon arrival, a special customs officer will inspect the animal and the paperwork. This involves a fee which must be paid at the time equivalent to C$30 plus taxes for the first animal and C$5 plus taxes for each additional animal. If anything is amiss with the certificate or the animal, the officer can place the animal into quarantine at your expense. The rabies certificate only applies to cats and dogs. All other pets or animals being brought into Canada must meet other requirements.
Birds, reptiles, fish and mammals that are not subject to the rabies inspection may need a certificate in respect to diseases common to the species. Naturally, any creature deemed endangered or deadly will not be allowed into the country. If you are caught trying to smuggle in such an animal, the government will levy a fine on you or even revoke your immigration status.
Pet owners should check with the Canadian government directly to make sure everything is okay before trying to import their pet. The government website (http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/anima/imp/petani/canine.shtml) is very useful as a starting point.
Pet birds are allowed into Canada if accompanied by their owner, and are not from one of the blacklisted countries where avian flu is common and uncontained such as India and China. An import certificate is required for each bird. This form can be found at any CFIA area office or online at http://www.inspection.gc.ca/animals/terrestrial-animals/offices/eng/1300462382369/1300462438912.