April 2019 Emigrate News Archive

Archived Daily Emigrate UK News...

Detailing the French healthcare system as it applies to expats

Detailing the French healthcare system as it applies to expats
One advantage of choosing France as your expat retirement haven is the high quality of its healthcare. Judged as one of the best in the world by no less than the World Health Organisation, France’s healthcare services are now accessible to expat retirees on a payment-sharing basis. Since a rule change in 2016, the system allows for...

Expats in South Africa worried over shrinking skills list

Expats in South Africa worried over shrinking skills list
If you’re fancying a skilled job in South Africa, you’ll need to know a cut to the country’s list of critical skills may well be upcoming. If the shortened list of critical skills now circulating unofficially amongst South Africa’s foreign worker community isn’t just fake news, it’s bad news for expats and would-be expats in a...

Will the Western world’s retirement crisis result in expat poverty?

Will the Western world’s retirement crisis result in expat poverty?
People are living longer and healthier than ever before and looking forward to an active retirement. Across the entire swathe of Western first-world countries, demographics show that humans are living far longer and staying healthy well into their retirement years. Unfortunately, their pension savings investments were never designed to...

Public transport options in Madrid for newly-arrived expats

Public transport options in Madrid for newly-arrived expats
If you’re relocating to Madrid and aren’t keen on driving in a strange city, public transport options for the daily commute are more than satisfactory. The Spanish capital’s public transportation network comprises local trains, buses and an efficient metro system, all of which are extensive, clean, efficient and safe. In addition,...

Expat volunteers sought for Open House Prague architectural festival

Expat volunteers sought for Open House Prague architectural festival
Prague is a feast of architectural delights set in varied historic eras, the best of which will be on show at an upcoming festival. Expats interested in Prague’s stunning selection of historic palaces, stunning rooftop views, ultra-modern fully-designed office spaces and luxury villas can volunteer to be part of the Open House Prague...

Seasteading Andaman Sea couple in hiding after death penalty threat

Seasteading Andaman Sea couple in hiding after death penalty threat
An USA expat and his Thai girlfriend are facing the death penalty for seasteading off Thailand’s sea coast. For adventurous expatriates, the sky used to be the limit, but in this case it’s the sea which was the location for a couple’s chosen 'des res'. Expat Bitcoin investor and seasteader Chad Elwartowski and his Thai girlfriend...

Female expats aren’t all trailing spouses nowadays

Female expats aren’t all trailing spouses nowadays
Females are now an established part of the expat world, and they’re not all trailing spouses! Back in the day, the only women spotted in expat communities worldwide were trailing spouses doing their best to dutifully maintain the home country way of life for their hopefully successful husbands and their somewhat confused offspring....

Understanding the Swiss pension scheme as a British expat

Understanding the Swiss pension scheme as a British expat
Switzerland is a perennial expat professional favourite for top wages and a high standard of living, but its pension system isn’t understood by many incomers. It’s possible that British expats working in Switzerland may see changes to the system post-Brexit, but current Swiss pension rules allow UK expatriates to qualify for the Swiss...

How to avoid loneliness as a single expat

How to avoid loneliness as a single expat
Wherever you’re headed and whatever you plan to do once you’re there, avoiding loneliness is a must. Familiar surroundings, routine, a network of friends and family support are all things expats miss when they’re leaving the home country as a single person. These familiar comfort blankets are replaced with changes including possibly...

Vietnam scores high on affordability for expat retirees

Vietnam scores high on affordability for expat retirees
If you’re heading for retirement in fascinating Southeast Asia, Vietnam is now many would-be expats’ first choice. Value for money is crucial for many would-be expat retirees, even although other considerations can also be important. Food quality and the reliability of everything including water, electricity and internet access...

UAE ten year residency visa for expat professionals seen as positive move

UAE ten year residency visa for expat professionals seen as positive move
With all the changes to visa regulations in the UAE, expat professionals could be forgiven for their feelings of confusion. Rule changes such as the IAE's recent introduction of a full ten year residence visa for expats with high levels of special skills as well as for investors should have the effect of creating more confidence in the...

Survey reveals Czechs not exactly in favour of expats

Survey reveals Czechs not exactly in favour of expats
Is the controversy over the increasing number of expats in the Czech Republic finally easing towards acceptance? Ten years ago, before the huge rise in expatriation for work purposes, some 57 per cent of the Czech public thought there were too many foreigners in their country. A decade later, a new survey by the Czech Public Opinion...

Vietnam now favourite SE Asia expat destination

Vietnam now favourite SE Asia expat destination
Southeast Asia is now a favourite destination for expats, digital nomads and retirees for its low cost of living, fascinating culture and quality of life. Out of all the Southeast Asian expatriate destinations, Vietnam is fast becoming the favourite due to its quality of life compared to that of its neighbours. Expats heading for either...

How to live a budget life in pricey Munich

How to live a budget life in pricey Munich
Known worldwide as one of the most expensive German cities for expats, Munich is still a popular destination for those determined to live cheaply. Given that the majority of expat city surveys are aimed at readers with enough funds to get by in the world’s most expensive hotspots, it’s amazing that a good number of expats can still...

Insecure expats in UAE tempted by Cyprus residency via property investment

Insecure expats in UAE tempted by Cyprus residency via property investment
For expat professionals in the UAE who’re feeling slightly nervous about their residency, buying a property on Cyprus might well be the answer. As the tide begins to turn against the expats who helped build the Gulf States, those coming up for early retirement need to decide where to go next if returning to the home country isn’t an...

Expat families and pensioners in one small corner of France

Expat families and pensioners in one small corner of France
The northern, coastal region of Brittany is the real France, without the glitz of Paris and the Cote d’Azure but with a caring community based on family and friends. Over the past several decades, some 14,000 Brits have made the short trip across the English Channel to their new lives and haven’t regretted the move for a minute....

Getting to grips with the French healthcare system

Getting to grips with the French healthcare system
If you’ve decided to give France a chance post-Brexit, you’ll need to get to grips with its healthcare rules. Once you’ve actually arrived in your chosen destination, how you access the French healthcare system depends on your category as a new expat on the block. If you’re an employee, a legal resident in France, a business owner...

US and UK youth desperate for an expat life overseas

US and UK youth desperate for an expat life overseas
It seems it’s not just Britons fleeing Brexit before it’s too late who’re starting a diaspora, as more American citizens than ever before want to expatriate. Whether it’s down to the USA’s polarised political climate or the massive costs of healthcare, a record number of US citizens are desperate to leave what used to be the...

Reverse culture shock hits hard on returning expat professionals

Reverse culture shock hits hard on returning expat professionals
Relocating back to the home country may result in worse culture shock than leaving for a new assignment. Much is written about the potentially damaging effects of culture shock experienced by expat professionals arriving in an unfamiliar country to take up a new job, but the even worse culture shock of returning home is rarely mentioned....

Eindhoven still ultra popular with tech expat professionals

Eindhoven still ultra popular with tech expat professionals
Eindhoven is still a popular location for tech expats looking to start-up success, but is local prejudice an issue? Known locally as the ‘city of lights’, the Dutch city of Eindhoven has attracted a large number of expat entrepreneurs over the past several years. The nickname came about due to electronics multinational Phillips’...

Work in Estonia offers luxury five day introduction to tech jobs

Work in Estonia offers luxury five day introduction to tech jobs
If Estonia is your dream destination, the expat techie Career Hunt campaign is the perfect opportunity. Estonia’s ambition to be Europe’s Silicon Valley is exciting news for innovators in this amazing 21st century career sector, with the country ahead on points but still working to attract superstar tech talent .Its latest offering is...