May 2020 Emigrate News Archive

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Expat students in Singapore calling foul on lack of support and help

Expat students in Singapore calling foul on lack of support and help
Expat students in Singapore are unimpressed with the government’s recently-launched care package. The fourth Singaporean Covid-19 care package is admittedly aimed at Singaporean citizens, but expatriate students are condemning it for doing little or nothing to ease their conditions during the pandemic. One student posted a request for...

Vietnam returns to normal amongst happy locals and expats

Vietnam returns to normal amongst happy locals and expats
Expats in Vietnam are savouring their new-found freedom as the entire country reopens. It’s proof there’s life after lockdown, provided the government concerned does the right thing fast enough. That’s exactly what happened in Vietnam, whilst its near neighbours were struggling with the dichotomy of doing the right thing and the...

British expat diaspora spreads across half the world

British expat diaspora spreads across half the world
It may come as a surprise that about one in every 10 of Britain’s population are living overseas. At the present time, over 5.5 million Britons are living overseas, with a further 2,000 leaving every week of the year. The information was derived from data collected in a survey undertaken by the Institute for Public Policy Research as...

Thailand expat community devastated by new entry requirements

Thailand expat community devastated by new entry requirements
If you’re considering emigrating to Thailand for work or retirement, you’ve just missed the chance! For a country reliant on foreign money for a good proportion of its GDP, Thailand’s reaction to the pandemic and its effect on the local economy are surprising, to say the least. Its latest announcement made today that, without the...

Foreign spouses banned from returning to Thai wives and families

Foreign spouses banned from returning to Thai wives and families
Thousands of Thai/expat couples are now separated either in the Kingdom or across the world. As the pandemic seems to be slowing slightly, Thai/expat couples and their families are desperately hoping to be reunited in the near future. In spite of the decline of infections in the Kingdom, the junta government has just extended its incoming...

Is the pandemic the end of the road for expat freelancers?

Is the pandemic the end of the road for expat freelancers?
For international freelance digital nomads, where to go to escape the worst of the pandemic? Nowadays, international digital nomads make up a good proportion of expats overseas, but rarely confine themselves to a single destination. Now that almost nowhere seems safe as regards infection, getting trapped in a single country or simply...

Breaking cultural barriers as an expat professional in Myanmar

Breaking cultural barriers as an expat professional in Myanmar
What’s it really like for expats living and working in Myanmar? The troubled Southeast Asian country of Myanmar fully opened its borders and its economy to the rest of the world less than ten years ago. After having been closed for more than 50 years, the country was then considered a frontier market with a huge number of setbacks...

Expat teachers in Vietnam getting used to the new normal

Expat teachers in Vietnam getting used to the new normal
Expat teachers living and working in Vietnam are getting used to the new normal. Vietnam’s reaction to the coronavirus’s attack on the country was considered one of the planet’s most successful to date, allowing locals and expats to rediscover their lives and adjust. With many cites and towns now opening up after a period of...

Surveys show almost half of Italians favour leaving the EU

Surveys show almost half of Italians favour leaving the EU
For those Brits looking to move to Italy before Brexit kicks in, the bad news may well be that Italians are demanding their own version of Brexit! Italian citizens are furious the EU didn’t step in with assistance when the pandemic arrived, even although it was obvious the government was struggling with the speed of the spread. In the...

Best countries to find work as an expat professional

Best countries to find work as an expat professional
If you’re excited about your prospects of becoming a successful expat professional overseas, choosing exactly the right location for your talents is essential. Apart from upgrading your portfolio, becoming an expat in a strange land is a thrilling way to see the world and experience diverse cultures. However, some countries make it...

Wealthy expats in UAE may get more investment protection

Wealthy expats in UAE may get more investment protection
Are the Gulf States about to lose their reputation with IFAs as the land of milk and honey? First built up, then buoyed up by the region’s massive reserves of oil, the Middle Eastern economies soon became the destination of choice for expatriate professionals determined to generate their personal wealth as well as that of their new...

How to get the best expat rental deal in overpriced Prague

How to get the best expat rental deal in overpriced Prague
New expat arrivals in Prague may get better deals on rental apartments by using these tips. Real estate agents in the popular city are advising new expatriate arrivals to negotiate rental discounts at this time of virus threat and projected economic downturn. Prague is infamous in expat circles for its sky-high rental charges, with most...

Cash strapped expat parents requesting discounts from independent schools

Cash strapped expat parents requesting discounts from independent schools
Expats with children enrolled in international schools are looking to discounts covering the long coronavirus-linked closures. Taking the UK as an example, its private schools were closed March 20, thus allowing the pupils to return home just a week early. Bills for the summer semester are now being sent out, with many expat parents...

Amazing Vietnam now being praised by its resident expats

Amazing Vietnam now being praised by its resident expats
Expats living and working in Vietnam are praising the country’s success in controlling the coronavirus pandemic. Given the devastating effect on the world economy caused by the pandemic, it’s no surprise that Vietnam’s speedy recovery including zero deaths is causing pundits to project an economic revival way ahead of those in the...

Career advancement for expat trailing spouses in the Netherlands

Career advancement for expat trailing spouses in the Netherlands
Trailing spouses determined not to interrupt their own careers face challenging odds in the Netherlands. Nowadays, the majority of trailing spouses are unwilling to become stay-at-home partners as they’ve their own career advancement to consider. Unfortunately, finding a new job in the Netherlands can be challenging at best and...

Study suggests expat relocations lead to better self-awareness

Study suggests expat relocations lead to better self-awareness
A new study is telling would-be expats that moving overseas is the best decision you’ll ever make. If you’re feeling as though you’re wading through a vast lake of mud and getting nowhere fast, becoming an expat in a strange land can lead to sharper decision making and a vastly improved sense of self. A study undertaken by social...

Thailand moves the goalposts for expat professionals and retirees

Thailand moves the goalposts for expat professionals and retirees
For several decades, Thailand was a place to pursue expat dreams, to live a tropical life or retire to a highly affordable, friendly country with an already established expat community. Many expats who’ve been living, working or retiring in Thailand are now wondering whether it’s time to move on, as so much has changed during the past...

Expats in Southeast Asia unsure about shifting lockdown rulings

Expats in Southeast Asia unsure about shifting lockdown rulings
Expats in Southeast Asia fear the results of lifting local lockdowns. Expats living, working or retiring all across Southeast Asia are confused and afraid the various governments will either keep lockdowns on for an extended time or end them before the pandemic is under control. Either way, it’s bad news for those whose visas, jobs and...

Using your lockdown free time to organise your expat estate

Using your lockdown free time to organise your expat estate
If you’ve recently arrived as a retired expat in Portugal, using some time to sort out your estate is worthwhile. Perhaps the coronavirus pandemic has forced you to think about your own demise as regards what happens to your estate, even although you’ve only just arrived from another British retiree destination such as Spain. It’s...

Virtual home viewing tours now all the rage for relocating expats

Virtual home viewing tours now all the rage for relocating expats
Virtual viewing for expats looking to move house is now the latest way to circumvent the pandemic’s effect on everyday life. With the door now closed on open-house viewings, virtual home tours are filling the gap for both potential buyers as well as real estate agencies’ businesses. Given that Prague is now a favourite location for...