September 2019 Emigrate News Archive

Archived Daily Emigrate UK News...

India now a unique destination for British expats

India now a unique destination for British expats
India is now opening up to Western expats looking to further their careers in a fascinating location. Until recently, India was a closed book for Western expats and was best known for losing its brightest and best to developed Western economies. Nowadays, with Indian companies now hiring mid-level expat professionals as well as resident...

Where in Europe should top expat tech talents relocate?

Where in Europe should top expat tech talents relocate?
As global companies headquartered in London flee the threat of a no-deal Brexit or any Brexit at all, would-be British tech expats are confused as to where to head for in Europe. London’s famous City district is now echoing to the sound of plugs being pulled as one major company after another heads for the greener pastures of Europe. At...

Pros and cons for adventurous expats buying land in Bali

Pros and cons for adventurous expats buying land in Bali
Adventurous expats are drawn to Bali for its beauty, affordable cost of living and laid-back lifestyle, but those planning to stay for ever should take care if planning to buy land and build a home. Expats dreaming of a permanent home in Bali built on land they’ve purchased from locals need to be very careful to avoid ending up with a...

Cambodia now ranking as more expensive than Vietnam

Cambodia now ranking as more expensive than Vietnam
Cambodia is now officially one of Southeast Asia’s most expensive countries for expats. The respected Numbeo Cost of Living Index has revealed what expats already living in the popular country already knew – from being famous for its ultra-low cost of living, Cambodia has now jumped to a higher ranking than those of Vietnam, Indonesia...

Do Switzerland’s downsides cancel its advantages?

Posted on September 24, 2019 in Europe News
STORY LINK Do Switzerland’s downsides cancel its advantages?
 Do Switzerland’s downsides cancel its advantages?
Switzerland’s massively high cost of living across the board is the major downside of a transfer to its spectacular beauty. Especially for expat professionals in the financial sector, relocation to Switzerland is the Holy Grail due to its massive salaries, locked-in safety and security, totally upscale lifestyle and extraordinary...

Expats arriving with families have a good choice of Dubai communities

Expats arriving with families have a good choice of Dubai communities
If you’re heading for a reassignment to Dubai along with your family, a safe, secure and child-friendly development is the preferred option. Dubai is an ever-popular destination for ambitious expats, but those relocating with their families need exactly the right accommodation to make sure the entire family including the dog is happy...

Dealing with loneliness in Germany as a newly-arrived expat

Dealing with loneliness in Germany as a newly-arrived expat
Germany is considered to be a popular destination for career-hungry expats, but living and working in its big cities can result in loneliness and a lack of human contact. It’s no surprise that Germany’s industrial heartlands crop up in many annual surveys as good places for expat professionals to gain experience, but even career...

New Thai public transport safety measures welcomed by locals, expats and tourists

New Thai public transport safety measures welcomed by locals, expats and tourists
In a long-overdue attempt to prevent deaths and injuries caused by public transport accidents, Thailand has introduced new safety measures for all public vehicles. It’s well-known that Thailand’s public transport services have major problems with accidents causing loss of life as well as injury to tourists, expats and Thais alike. The...

Sweden frozen out as a favourite destination for expat talent

Sweden frozen out as a favourite destination for expat talent
Tech-savvy and great for families – but does Sweden roll out the red carpet for top-talented expat professionals? It’s easy for job-seeking would be expats to choose a likely destination simply by browsing one of the seemingly never-ending selection of annual surveys, but fitting your personality into a new challenge on the basis of...

France still draws British expats in spite of Brexit

Posted on September 17, 2019 in France
STORY LINK France still draws British expats in spite of Brexit
France still draws British expats in spite of Brexit
Although less Brits are now moving to France, with many waiting to see how Brexit pans out, our nearest neighbour is still a popular destination, especially for retirees. Although a proportion of Britons who head for a hopefully permanent stay in France find it too much of a challenge and eventually repatriate, those who do stay...

Paying UK tax on your buy-to-let investment whilst living overseas

Paying UK tax on your buy-to-let investment whilst living overseas
If part of your expatriation plan was to purchase a buy-to-let British property and use the rental income to supplement your pension, you need to factor in the UK taxman’s share of your good fortune. It’s beginning to seem that, wherever in the world British expats settle, there's no escaping from the claws of the HMRC For expats...

Expats in Shekou encouraged to integrate into the local community

Expats in Shekou encouraged to integrate into the local community
For expats living in Shenzhen’s Shekou district, the local authority is planning to establish the area as a home from home for its foreign residents. Shekou is now home to the largest expat community in the whole of Shenzhen city, with its local government determined to ensure all expatriates living in the sub-district are treated as...

Where are the best world countries for expat start-ups?

Where are the best world countries for expat start-ups?
Expats planning a start-up overseas need to known exactly what's required when deciding on a location. Starting a business overseas as an expat can be the best idea for many reasons, such as the availability of specific talents at an affordable rate, needing to be close to a target market, taking advantage of certain benefits available to...

Expats heading to Denmark urged to study Danish before they arrive

Expats heading to Denmark urged to study Danish before they arrive
As the Scandinavian countries become increasingly popular with expat professionals due to their quality of life, learning the local lingo is becoming essential. Over the past year or so, Denmark, Norway and Sweden have been gaining on other European expat destinations in a number of respected online expat surveys, due mostly to the...

Brit expats on Cyprus urged to arrange proxy votes for snap general election

Brit expats on Cyprus urged to arrange proxy votes for snap general election
British expats on Cyprus are now being urged to ensure their voting rights by proxy well before any announcement of a general election. Given that, in the referendum itself, many expats weren’t able to vote for their preference either because they’d lived outside the UK for more than 15 years or they couldn’t arrange proxy or postal...

Kuwait again worst world country for expat professionals

Posted on September 9, 2019 in UAE
STORY LINK Kuwait again worst world country for expat professionals
Kuwait again worst world country for expat professionals
Far from being the answer to expat professionals’ dreams as it was in former decades, Kuwait is now the world’s worst expatriate destination. For decades, the Gulf States as a whole were seen by expat professionals in the oil and gas sector as the dream destination for both career advancement and stunning salaries. Kuwait was no...

Survey confirms expats more than happy in Malaysia

Survey confirms expats more than happy in Malaysia
The results of a recent major survey have confirmed expats in Malaysia are loving their lives. The popular Southeast Asian archipelago was ranked ninth most popular expat destination in the recently published Expat Insider survey, with its result based on affordability and the ease of settling in to a new country and culture. However, for...

Defining dangerous destinations for expats

Defining dangerous destinations for expats
As the world becomes an even more dangerous place, expats are advised to check safety standards before accepting an overseas posting. Popular expat surveys make interesting reading for would-be expats choosing their next port of call, but rarely tell it like it is as regards safety and security. A country doesn’t necessarily have to be...

Tips for expats on buying a home in the Netherlands

Posted on September 4, 2019 in Property Abroad
STORY LINK Tips for expats on buying a home in the Netherlands
Tips for expats on buying a home in the Netherlands
As the Netherlands becomes ever more popular with expat professionals, many are now considering buying a home. Getting a mortgage isn’t easy as regards the bureaucratic necessities, even for citizens, making it even more difficult for expats not exactly fluent in the Dutch language and without a basic grasp of Dutch law. However, with...

British expats in Europe warned to get ready for a no deal Brexit

British expats in Europe warned to get ready for a no deal Brexit
Would-be expats at present in the UK as well as regular business travellers to the EU are being warned to familiarise themselves with problems likely to occur post-Brexit. Last weekend, the British government launched its online information campaign on how to prepare for Brexit, and is mooting a ‘shared responsibility’ as regards...

China cracks down on expat English teachers

Posted on September 2, 2019 in Working Abroad
STORY LINK China cracks down on expat English teachers
China cracks down on expat English teachers
For the last few months, the Chinese authorities have mounted a crackdown on Western expats teaching English. Once considered a necessity for Chinese eager to learn the world’s international language, China’s expat teaching community is now in a state of shock due to an aggressive clampdown by local authorities. Arrests, imprisonment...