August 2018 Emigrate News Archive
Archived Daily Emigrate UK News...
Expats reassured of Taiwan safety after shocking Taipei murder
The close-knit expat community in Taipei has been hard hit by the shocking murder of Canadian English teacher Ramgahan Ryan.
The story, enhanced in the media by the revelation the victim was also a small-time dealer in illegal drugs, has cast doubts as to the safety of English-speaking expats in Taiwan, even although violent crime is a...
Defining the difference between expats and immigrants
Stereotyping of foreigners happens whether one likes it or not, but is there a real difference between expats and immigrants over and above their duration of stay?
The - offensive to many – stereotyping of expats as white, middle class and wealthy as against literally every other non-permanent resident of any world country is a...
Good news for UK expats living in France
UK expats in France will welcome an initiative by the PM to facilitate their residency in the case of a no-deal Brexit.
French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has requested his cabinet to work out contingency measures for a hard Brexit including ‘facilitating residency’ for British expats living and working in the country. The...
Saudi and UAE ports perfectly placed for China Belt and Road Initiative expat jobs
Saudi Arabia and UAE ports could bring an expat job bonanza due to China’s Belt and Road initiative.
The five massive seaports in Saudi and the UAE are essentially staging posts along extended trade routes connecting the Far East with the West. At present underused, they offer expanded economic opportunities due to the need for...
Netherlands has the highest number of job vacancies ever
According to Statistics Netherlands, this summer is seeing an all-time high in the number of open job vacancies.
Numbers of open job vacancies in the Netherlands have been rising for five years to date, with the massive increase of 16,000 in this year’s second quarter breaking the previous record set in 2007. At the end of June this...
Expats urged to fill 150,000 vacant jobs in France
For professionals desperate to leave the UK before March next year, France has more than 150,000 vacant positions.
In spite of an unemployment rate of 8.7 per cent, France now has over 150,000 vacant jobs. According to the Employment Minister’s office, the top levels of vacant positions are in the specialised technical and scientific...
Asian cities including Beijing becoming unaffordable for expats
Due to short supply and rising demand, rentals in China’s major cities are heading for the skies.
Increases in apartment rental charges in major Chinese cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou are happening month by month, causing concern in China’s expat communities. The rise in demand by college graduates is being...
British expats advised to double check Airbnb accommodation for drugs
Expats using Airbnb for short term accommodation are being urged to check rental properties carefully on arrival for anything unusual.
The call comes after a British businessman was arrested following a police raid on his rented villa during which 1.5 tonnes of hashish was discovered. Robert Mansfield-Hewitt was on a short business trip...
Expat job seekers find great choices in the Czech Republic
If Prague or another Czech city sounds attractive, there are plenty of jobs available in several sectors.
Although the Czech Republic may not immediately spring to mind as the ideal destination for expats looking for overseas jobs, it’s got one important thing going for it – the number of jobs available. According to local recruitment...
Further sterling fall causing hardship for Brit retirees in Spain
British pensioners living in Spain on the UK state pension have lost some 20 per cent of its purchasing power due to the Brexit referendum.
Vice President of Brexpats in Spain Richard Hill quantified the loss caused by plummeting exchange rates as set against increasing living costs and higher taxes, saying the significant loss of income...
Brit expat havens across the world
For Brits yearning to live anywhere but in the UK, there’s a good choice of locations.
Moving overseas isn’t an easy decision but, as the cost of living soars and the notorious British weather gets even more unpredictable, a place in the sun seems irresistible. Some 5.5 million Britons are living permanently overseas, with several...
Paris now in Economist 20 top world cities for first time
Paris is famous all over the world as the city of love, and it’s now one of 20 top cities for expats.
The Economist magazine’s liveability index is highly regarded for its lists of the best world cities for expat professional. . For the first time, Paris is now one of its top 20 world cities, coming in at 19th as a result of its...
Expats heading to UAE urged to check their legal rights
Expatriates heading to the UAE are being advised to check the emirates’ legal rights pertaining to worker-employer relationships.
Legal rights for new expat employees in the UAE encompass wage negotiations, safe working conditions and incentives as well as other crucial rights given to employees by UAE laws. Once the written offer of...
Learning Chinese and more with apps
Apps are your best friend if you’re heading to China and learning Chinese.
Whether you’re heading to China for work, for a start-up, as a student or intern or simply because you want to be there, learning at least some Standard Chinese will help you have the experience of a lifetime. For those on a limited budget and even less time to...
Telling it like it is on drinking laws in Dubai
Misinterpreting Dubai’s totally confusing laws on drinking alcohol can land expats or tourists in prison.
Last week, yet another visitor to Dubai was incarcerated along with her four-year old daughter for three days due to her having accepted a glass of red wine from a stewardess during her flight from the UK. Recently, another Briton...
Speaking Dutch boosts expat work and social life
Even if you’ve studied the Dutch language in your home country before you arrived, it’s best to continue studying once you’re there.
Fluency in the language of your new country of residence isn’t just about getting by at work in a combination of English and Dutch, it’s about socialising and learning to use casual speech and its...
Brit expat retirees set to lose on sterling fluctuation
British retirees overseas may lose 20 per cent of their pension payments due to sterling fluctuations.
If you’re at the number-crunching state of preparing to become a British expat overseas, it’s wise to take into account the Brexit effect on the pound’s exchange rate. In the case of a no-deal Brexit, sterling is expected to crash,...
A tale of five Chinese cities for adventurous expats
Nowadays, China is perhaps the hottest ever destination for expat professionals and budding entrepreneurs.
Scarcely a week goes by without yet another online article about expat opportunities in one of the world’s most challenging destinations. Each of China’s five mega-cities is competing with its rivals to attract the best and most...
Brexit may result in frozen pensions for expats in Europe
British citizens still planning to retire overseas are being urged to take financial advice about possible changes to social security agreements post-Brexit.
EU member states have reciprocal agreements with the UK on social security provisions, but there’s been no guidance as yet as to whether these will remain valid after Brexit kicks...
Expats in Amsterdam warned about rental property scammers
The Netherlands is the new, hot destination for millennial expats looking to find their niche in the start-up scene, but care should be taken to avoid being scammed when you first arrive.
New arrivals are urged to remember all that glitters isn’t gold, especially when they’re attempting to find an affordable rental in a reasonable...
Caymans expat demographic flips towards Asians
Once an offshore, tax free haven for expats from the USA and Europe, the Caymans Islands are now attracting more Asians than ever before.
Until recently, the British accounted for the majority of work permits allocated to expat incomers, but the tables are now turning towards Asians, expatriate Jamaicans and Indians. According to...