November 2019 Emigrate News Archive

Archived Daily Emigrate UK News...

Democratic Hong Kong vote hasn’t changed anything for expats

Democratic Hong Kong vote hasn’t changed anything for expats
Hong Kong’s recent election results don’t seem to have stopped expats planning to leave before it’s too late. The vote itself was hailed as an almost inevitable victory for the democratic process, but it seems those determined to leave are still packing. The final straw for a number of expat professionals was the Hong Kong...

Relocating to Germany as an expat professional

Posted on November 28, 2019 in Europe News
STORY LINK Relocating to Germany as an expat professional
Relocating to Germany as an expat professional
Relocating to Germany can be far easier if it’s carefully planned. One obvious issue for all expat reassignments is that it’s impossible to settle in your new country until you’ve settled into a new home and dealt with the bureaucratic necessities. In this respect, Germany is no different than any other expat destination, excepting...

Expat tech start-ups can help African local education and employment

Expat tech start-ups can help African local education and employment
Africa’s low competition and huge number of business opportunities make it an option for tech start-ups. Whilst Africa may well be low on the list of desirable locations for expat tech start-ups, those who’re brave enough to accept the challenge will be amazed at the number of uncontested opportunities across the vast continent....

Shanghai wins out on safety and security for lone female expats

Shanghai wins out on safety and security for lone female expats
As the world grows more violent every day, or so it seems, female expat professionals are choosing their next destination for its overall security and safety. It’s easy to believe that all major world cities are hubs for violence and lack the feeling of security necessary for the majority of female expats. Obviously, some huge...

Recent research shows Australia as favourite for Brit expat pensioners

Recent research shows Australia as favourite for Brit expat pensioners
Is Australia really a top destination for British expat retirees? According to recent research, almost a quarter of a million British expatriate retirees in Australia are claiming their UK state pensions , but does this mean Oz is the best place for the UK’s would-be expat retirees? The numbers, according to an article, represent some...

Retirement in low-cost Ecuador isn’t just for American expats

Retirement in low-cost Ecuador isn’t just for American expats
Affordable retirement in Ecuador isn’t just for expats from the US of A. Set in South America’s northwest region, Ecuador is bordered by both the ocean and the jungle and bisected by the planet’s longest mountain range. Relaxing on picture perfect Pacific Ocean beaches, trekking through the foothills of the Andes or exploring the...

Toxic air pollution in Delhi forcing expat families to leave

Toxic air pollution in Delhi forcing expat families to leave
Expat professionals living and working in New Delhi are now considering the city a hardship posting due to its perilous air pollution. Delhi’s deadly pollution is making it hard for multinational employers as well as embassies and consulates to fill vacant positions now that the word’s got round, and those now living in the city are...

Will Golden Visas become the must-have accessory for Hong Kong financiers?

Will Golden Visas become the must-have accessory for Hong Kong financiers?
Hirings for expat professional financiers are now on the rise in Shanghai as the Hong Kong chaos worsens. High-level expats in Hong Kong may not be calling in the removal vans just yet, but should China strike out at the beleaguered island it’ll be in the Asian giant’s favour. Mainland China is looking to become the major destination...

Dangers for expat professionals and where they’re worst

Dangers for expat professionals and where they’re worst
One all-important aspect of emigration for whatever reason is safety and security. The thought of living and working in a totally unfamiliar country is exciting and scary at the same time, but it’s best to check out on the destination itself before accepting that tempting new job. Especially for those brought up in first world...

New career programme helps expat professionals understand the Danish way

New career programme helps expat professionals understand the Danish way
Copenhagen City Hall is urging expat professionals to stay, saying the city needs them! According to the city’s Greater Copenhagen Career Programme, the present problem is retaining talented expat professionals who’re in high demand but short supply. The programme is fighting to keep its expat talent by organising courses for new...

Female expats suffering salary increase inequality as well as gender pay gaps

Female expats suffering salary increase inequality as well as gender pay gaps
Research has shown female expats are suffering from the gender pay gap in almost all favourite expatriate professional locations. Independent research is confirming what female expats have always known – they’re being short-changed in the salary stakes. An independent study has revealed almost 66 per cent of male expats are being paid...

Prague takes second place in survey of best cities for new graduate jobs

Prague takes second place in survey of best cities for new graduate jobs
An expat sector mostly ignored in articles on emigrating is that of newly graduated students searching for jobs overseas. Nowadays, many young people choose overseas universities for their graduate study years. Reasons vary from the cost of a university degree in the home country, a better choice of specialties and the expat student...

Cambodia promises expat freedom to start small businesses

Cambodia promises expat freedom to start small businesses
It’s good news from Cambodia for expats wanting to start small businesses. A good number of expat retirees heading to Southeast Asia feel they’ve many useful years left and would like to start a small business in their chosen country of residence. Unfortunately, several popular destinations including Thailand won’t allow expats to...

Are established expat communities really important for new arrivals?

Are established expat communities really important for new arrivals?
How important is ‘community’ to expats? It’s well understood that humans have a need to belong in a supportive community, but how to replicate this after reassignment or relocation overseas can be a problem. Expat forums worldwide report on community activities as well as general topics, but reading isn’t the same as bonding and...

Safety is paramount for expats on a new assignment

Safety is paramount for expats on a new assignment
In this 21st century world, crime is literally everywhere, with newly-arrived expats in an unfamiliar country at most risk. Safety and security rank highly in just about every expat survey, but can’t disguise the fact that violent crime and other disorderly conduct is the norm in these days of fabulous riches for the few and deprivation...

Success of Portuguese Golden Visa responsible for overheated property market

Success of Portuguese Golden Visa responsible for overheated property market
Portugal’s overheating property prices may result in changes to its Golden Visa deals. In a recent announcement, Portugal’s minister of the economy confirmed the likelihood of cutbacks to its popular Golden Visa programme as it’s thought to be the reason behind the country’s overheating property prices. Pedro Siza Vieira told the...

Which world passport is best for itenerant expats?

Posted on November 7, 2019 in Visas
STORY LINK Which world passport is best for itenerant expats?
Which world passport is best for itenerant expats?
Nowadays, the expat life is likely to include travel between a far larger number of world countries than ever before. In the increasingly mobile world of expat professionals and digital nomads, the best passport is one giving the highest number of countries allowing visa free entry, thus making international travel far easier and less...

Expats on Malta gambling against a bad Brexit outcome

Posted on November 6, 2019 in Europe News
STORY LINK Expats on Malta gambling against a bad Brexit outcome
Expats on Malta gambling against a bad Brexit outcome
British expat on Malta don’t seem at all confused about their post-Brexit future. As things stand at present, whichever style of Brexit is the final result it’s expatriates who’ll bear the immediate brunt of Britain’s leaving the UK. They’re also the least able to adjust their lifestyles to an acceptable version of that which...

Is Vietnam the answer for expats worried about their futures in Thailand?

Is Vietnam the answer for expats worried about their futures in Thailand?
Expats in Thailand are getting serious about moving to Vietnam Thailand’s traditional popularity with expats seems to be fading, but Southeast Asia itself is still a popular choice with Vietnam at the head of the list. In one popular survey earlier this year, Thailand lost ground on quality of life, digital life, affordability,...

Liveable European destination for expat retirees on a budget

Liveable European destination for expat retirees on a budget
In spite of rumours to the contrary, Europe is still an affordable destination for expat retirees on limited pensions. Many would-be expats, especially those from countries such as the USA where pensions are more generous than in the UK, still believe Europe is out of reach as regards its overall cost of living. One reason for this...

British expats in EU member states urged to vote on December 12

British expats in EU member states urged to vote on December 12
British expats are being urged to vote in perhaps the most important General Election in decades. If you’ve spent the past three and a half years dreading losing your chosen lifestyle far away from the home country and are angry about the way Britain’s expat population in the EU has been totally ignored in negotiations as regards its...