June 2019 Emigrate News Archive

Archived Daily Emigrate UK News...

Survey shows Russian city life less expensive but more dangerous

Survey shows Russian city life less expensive but more dangerous
Whilst Russia may well not be the most popular destination for career-minded expat professionals, its two major cities are now more affordable for incomers. Out of the 209 world cities surveyed by Mercers’, Moscow was placed 27th and St Petersburg rated a score of 75th, with both scores lower down the ‘expensive cities’ list than...

Portugal now the most affordable EU destination for expat retirees

Portugal now the most affordable EU destination for expat retirees
As the cost of living soars in Spain, France and Italy as well as in the UK, where in Europe can expat retirees find an affordable home from home? Overlooked for several decades as a major EU bolthole for would-be expat retirees, Portugal is now coming into its own due to its reasonable cost of living compared with the alternatives. For...

Should newly arrived expats in Dubai consider buying rather than renting?

Should newly arrived expats in Dubai consider buying rather than renting?
If you’re heading for Dubai on a long-term contract, now’s the time to consider buying a home. The majority of expats living and working in Dubai rent a property rather than buying a home but, with real estate prices still falling, it makes more sense to buy in the emirate rather than investing in a buy-to-let in the home country....

Sparking up the expat retiree lifestyle with a part-time job

Sparking up the expat retiree lifestyle with a part-time job
Retiring overseas is the dream of an increasing number of would-be expats across the world, but can become tedious for those still active mentally and physically. Especially for expat retirees whose work history was in mentally demanding jobs or who ran their own businesses, the thought of doing absolutely nothing in a retirement...

Would Boris as PM cause even more chaos for British expats in the EU?

Would Boris as PM cause even more chaos for British expats in the EU?
Will British expats be even worse off should Boris Johnson become Prime Minister? The Brexit threat is centred on British expats living, working or retiring in EU member states, the majority of which have at least guaranteed expat rights until the transition period ends on the last day of December 2020. In addition, British state...

Where’s best for expat professionals and their families?

Where’s best for expat professionals and their families?
Planning an international relocation to include your family can be far more complicated than moving as a single expat. For expat professionals taking their families along for the ride, priorities such as schooling, healthcare, childcare, suitable housing and the essential issue of safety and security come first, well above nightlife,...

What can newly arrived expat professionals expect from Bangkok?

What can newly arrived expat professionals expect from Bangkok?
If you’re heading for a new job in Bangkok, what’s in the city for you? For a good while, Bangkok has been a favourite for expats looking for a totally new lifestyle at a reasonable price along with plenty to do and see outside working hours. Although it’s not what it was prior to the past several years, it’s still a hub for...

Unique Ashgabat tops out on world’s most expensive city listings

Unique Ashgabat tops out on world’s most expensive city listings
If you’re the type of expat professional who enjoys flitting from city to city, collecting life experiences as well as job experience, the world’s most expensive city is for you. Even although you may never have heard of Ashgabat, don’t let its name put you off, even although it sounds like something from the Lord of the Rings...

Expats keen on do-it-yourself could bag a bargain property in Spain

Expats keen on do-it-yourself could bag a bargain property in Spain
As Spain continues to be highly recommended as an expatriate retiree destination, a shift in the housing market will benefit some regions but not all. The Spanish housing market finally bottomed out in 2012, coasting along at a bargain level for two years until expat demand began to grow in Marbella due to modern apartment and villa...

Demographics of British expats across the world

Demographics of British expats across the world
When it feels like you’re the only one getting up and going – you’re most certainly not alone! Much has, and no doubt will be, written about expats from across the world arriving in the UK, but those giving up and leaving aren’t getting nearly as much media attention. According to emigration totals, even although the numbers of...

Smaller European towns as a route for expat digital nomads

Smaller European towns as a route for expat digital nomads
If you’re starting out as an expat digital nomad, don’t ignore Europe’s charming smaller cities. For those new to the digital nomad lifestyle, it’s far easier to head for major cities where English is often spoken, making it straightforward to get around and find a digital community, However, costs in urban centres are far higher...

Saving for your expat retirement gives a great choice of retirement havens

Saving for your expat retirement gives a great choice of retirement havens
It may seem unlikely, but in the right expat destination and the right business sector, expat professionals are able to save as much as a million dollars during their overseas working lives. Once retirement beckons, that amount of money opens up a magnificent selection of places you used to dream about in the early days of your career....

Living the expat life in Mediterranean Turkey

Posted on June 12, 2019 in Relocation
STORY LINK Living the expat life in Mediterranean Turkey
Living the expat life in Mediterranean Turkey
Living the Mediterranean lifestyle in Turkey is a new idea for would-be expats. Turkey and its favourite Mediterranean resort of Kalkan may not be as well-known as an expat haven as similar resorts in Spain, Italy and France, but the lifestyle is just as relaxing and more peaceful. The established international expat community may be...

How to cope with first language attrition as a newly arrived expat

How to cope with first language attrition as a newly arrived expat
First language attrition when learning a new language can be a problem for expats. Many expats who’ve accepted a relocation to an unfamiliar country with an even more unfamiliar language can experience ‘first language attrition’ – the forgetting of familiar words leading to an inability to correctly express themselves in their...

Swedish medical app helps expats find help when sick or depressed

Swedish medical app helps expats find help when sick or depressed
The Scandinavian countries including Sweden are popular with expats as well as tourists, but what happens if you fall sick? For expats living and working in Sweden, the country’s healthcare system is one of the best, but only if you know where to go and what to do. The first port of call is your local healthcare centre unless you have a...

Is Adelaide an expat refuge from a crazy world?

Is Adelaide an expat refuge from a crazy world?
If you’re thinking of the Australian city of Adelaide for your next relocation or retirement, checking on housing availability and costs of living are your first steps. Once regarded as being the back of beyond, Adelaide is now a thriving city with job opportunities and a great social life, with property seeming like a bargain after the...

Prospects for expat employment in the Gulf States decline still further

Prospects for expat employment in the Gulf States decline still further
If you’re looking to find employment in Oman, you’re perhaps just several years too late. Expats at managerial level looking to further their careers via a stint in Oman may well have to consider another destination as its job opportunities have now been vastly reduced in a move aimed at boosting the employment of locals. The recent...

Expat professional wages in Singapore see another increase

Expat professional wages in Singapore see another increase
If you’re heading for Singapore to find that perfect job, you’ll earn six per cent more than if you’d arrived last year! Expatriate pay packages in the popular city-state have risen to $263,258, with the average expat salary coming in at $90,170. Unsurprisingly given the high cost of living, a recent survey revealed over half of...

Choosing an expat relocation destination if friendship is important

Choosing an expat relocation destination if friendship is important
Especially if you’re planning to retire as an expat, finding new friends is an important aspect when choosing a destination. Whilst those moving overseas for work reasons will have a ready-made set of acquaintances in the work environment, at least some of whom will become friends over a period of time, retirees need to choose more...

Portugal commits to British expats, retirees, businesses, investors, students and tourists

Portugal commits to British expats, retirees, businesses, investors, students and tourists
Tech and digital development companies, banks, major manufacturers and expats looking to find the perfect job are all heading for Portugal. Once famed mostly for its popularity as a haven for British expat retirees, Portugal is now singing to an entirely different tune. Now one of the EU’s success stories as regards its economy, with...