September 2018 Emigrate News Archive

Archived Daily Emigrate UK News...

Istanbul?s lively expat community welcomes new arrivals

Istanbul?s lively expat community welcomes new arrivals
Arriving in an unfamiliar city where you know no-one is one of the major downsides of expat relocation for many new arrivals. The autumn season in Istanbul is traditionally the time when increased numbers of expats arrive to take up new jobs. The Turkish capital is home to a varied and vibrant expat community, giving a wide choice of...

Affordable local schools can be the best option for long-stay expat families

Affordable local schools can be the best option for long-stay expat families
Relocating overseas with your family is stressful at best as there’s so much to take into account to make the move an all-round success. One of the most important decisions concerns your children’s education, with the choice between local and international schools involving more issues than just cost. Parents want to make sure their...

Brit expats in France demand second referendum based on Brexit deal

Brit expats in France demand second referendum based on Brexit deal
British expatriates living in France are now in favour of a second referendum as the only way to stop the Brexit debacle. Brit expats who’ve made their homes and started businesses in France are amongst the worst affected by the UK/EU divorce, with the majority now believing the only way out of the debacle is via a second referendum....

Caribbean archipelagos now favourites for European expats

Caribbean archipelagos now favourites for European expats
The Caribbean islands have long been favourite destinations for expats from the USA, but European retirees are now discovering their laid-back lifestyles. Whilst last year’s tragic advent of Hurricane Maria has affected a number of the Caribbean’s formerly pristine island havens, rescue missions, cleanups and rebuilding are ongoing,...

Expatriate professionals advised to use a VPN

Expatriate professionals advised to use a VPN
Whilst online security isn’t often as first priority in the relocation to-do list, the increasing sophistication of hackers, scammers and even a few foreign governments means it’s a must-have. Staying safe when online isn’t just for those sharing secrets best kept quiet, it’s for every expat who uses the internet for business and...

Cultural no-nos for expats heading to Germany

Cultural no-nos for expats heading to Germany
One of the most difficult aspects of taking on a new job overseas is getting through the first few months without committing cultural sins of omission. Wherever your relocation destination, it’s certain that office and personal protocol isn’t the same as in the home country. Even in first-world Germany, cultural dos and don’ts can...

Expats in UAE face huge costs for their children?s education

Expats in UAE face huge costs for their children?s education
If you and your family are planning a long-stay future in the UAE, planning ahead for your children’s education is a priority. Emigrating to a strange land is all part of today’s upward career path, but when there’s a family involved it’s harder to plan for the future. Even nowadays, many employers include an education allowance...

Hong Kong government school system shocks expat parents

Hong Kong government school system shocks expat parents
Settling down in Hong Kong as a newly-arrived expat family can be tricky at best, but enrolling the kids in local schools is the worst culture shock of all. Nowadays and due to the ever-increasing fees for education at Hong Kong’s international schools, many expat parents are forced to settle for education at a government-funded school....

Worlds top hubs for global business

Worlds top hubs for global business
Nowadays, global business is where it’s all at, but how to decide on which global destination is best? Entrepreneurs, investors, global travellers and top expatriate talent must consider a range of options when deciding on their next international move, with specific, well-informed surveys by those who known the world business...

Expats and locals join to protest Portuguese stray dog euthanasia

Expats and locals join to protest Portuguese stray dog euthanasia
If you count your pets as your best friends, retirement in Portugal might not be the best idea. Most would-be expat retirees heading for European destinations are well aware that Britons are regarded as unstable for their love of dogs, cats and several other less cuddly and communicative species. It’s true that Europeans in general...

Belize offers expat retirees the perfect lifestyle

Belize offers expat retirees the perfect lifestyle
Relaxation, cultural diversity and a warm climate all make Belize the perfect destination for expatriate retirees. White sands, azure seas, sunshine and a relaxed lifestyle all come to mind when Belize is mentioned, making the island nation the perfect retirement hub. Financial requirements aren’t excessive, and immigration via the...

China fails in survey whilst rival Taiwan soars

China fails in survey whilst rival Taiwan soars
Taiwan’s prime position in the latest expat survey isn’t about to make China's day. China’s breakaway island is now ranked as the second best destination for expat professionals as against China and Hong Kong’s dismal rankings of 55th and 56th in the Expat Insider survey. Respondents to the survey ranked the island tops at...

Advice on where to live during your Tokyo reassignment

Advice on where to live during your Tokyo reassignment
If you’re relocating to Tokyo and uncertain as to where to stay in the massive city, Shirokane’s foreigner-friendly enclave is the best choice. Accepting a reassignment to Japan can be life-changing, as the country is unique in its culture, fascinating history and stunning modernity. Tokyo is one of the world’s largest cities, but...

Expat entrepreneur hubs for start-up success

Expat entrepreneur hubs for start-up success
Expat entrepreneurs are taking over many destinations formerly popular with professionals relocated by their home country companies. There’s a massive difference between company reassignments and going it alone as an expat entrepreneur. Arriving in a new country with nothing but a suitcase and a marketable idea takes determination,...

Rough guide to relocating overseas with your family

Rough guide to relocating overseas with your family
A wise man once said moving house was more disrupting than divorce or a death in the family. When making his gloomy prediction, that wise man might have added that moving to a new job overseas en famille is the most disruptive of all! The three P’s – planning, packing and preparing – take over would-be expats’ lives, leaving them...

Is the UK heatwave changing would be expats minds?

Is the UK heatwave changing would be expats minds?
Most expats occasionally wonder why they didn’t just stay home, but what are the real reasons for leaving the home country? As life gets tougher in the UK, increasing numbers of Britons are admitting to fantasising about life in a warm, less expensive beachside location, but few now seem to be prepared to get up and go, especially after...

Oz government offers cash for taking jobs in its Northern Territories

Oz government offers cash for taking jobs in its Northern Territories
If you’re an expat in Australia with permanent residency, you could be paid to undertake a totally new experience along with a new job. Eligible families as well as singles are being offered $15,000 financial incentives to take up exciting jobs and adventurous lifestyles in Australia’s stunning Northern Territory. The payments are to...

Expat parents in China have a choice of international schools

Expat parents in China have a choice of international schools
International schools in China are a fairly new concept, but already there are some 600 mostly found in Tier 1 cities and provincial capitals. The demand for international schools in China is increasing every year, as expat families arrive and Chinese parents see the advantages their children will gain from an international school...

Must-dos and must-knows for expats driving in Europe

Must-dos and must-knows for expats driving in Europe
If you’re intent on quitting the UK before Brexit kicks in and driving to your new country is part of the plan, make sure you’re aware of the rules of the road before you leave. \r\n\r\nFor many, especially those who\'re taking their pets with them, driving to their new country of (hopefully) residence is an attractive idea, but...