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Choosing the right expat retirement destination by testing it out

Choosing the right expat retirement destination by testing it out
Every would-be expat retirement dream is just that – a dream until it’s been sampled. There’s only one way to find out if your chosen place for the rest of your life isn’t a terrible mistake – give it a try before you make the final commitment. Maybe you believe shutting down your life in your home country and taking up...

Japan opens its doors to expat professionals with new visa scheme

Japan opens its doors to expat professionals with new visa scheme
Traditionally resistant to an influx of foreigners, Japan is now opening its doors to expats. As are many other world countries, Japan is now facing both an ageing population and de-population due to nationals leaving the country to further their careers or simply see the world before they settle down. As a result, Japan’s government is...

Personal security in Lagos should be a priority for expats

Personal security in Lagos should be a priority for expats
Expats heading for Lagos need to take their personal security seriously. Nigeria’s capital city can be a fascinating place to work or even just visit, but staying safe by adopting sensible security tips is necessary. As a non-citizen, you’ll need to apply extra caution in just about every aspect of your visit, whether you’re...

Is Malta one of the world?s best places for expat professionals?

Is Malta one of the world?s best places for expat professionals?
For most expats, the decision to move to a particular country is based on career prospects, the work culture and pay scales versus costs of living. Destinations which fulfill the above essential requirements tend to attract far greater numbers of expat professionals with work experience and global degrees. As regards job satisfaction, the...

Fearful Brit expats in EU given hope by ECJ ruling

Fearful Brit expats in EU given hope by ECJ ruling
As Brexit’s depths become even more murky, a ray of light via the European Court of Justice is giving hope to confused, fearful British expats. According to a top ECJ official, the UK may unconditionally and unilaterally withdraw from Brexit should it so wish. The decision of the EC’s Attorney General is non-binding but highly...

Considering your expat job offer versus your needs

Considering your expat job offer versus your needs
So you’ve made it through the selection process and been offered the coveted job – but should you actually take it? You’ve survived the usual almost unending selection process to the short list and finally received the job offer itself but, before you sign on the dotted line, it’s important to step back and carefully consider what...

Funding your expat retirement dream by working part time

Funding your expat retirement dream by working part time
Increasing numbers of older people are dreaming of an overseas retirement, but don’t have the financial resources to fund their dream, even in the most cost-conscious destinations. Luckily for the majority of retirement dreamers, there are ways to enhance less than satisfactory pensions payments and make the dream come true. Starting...

Are millennial digital nomads the new expats?

Are millennial digital nomads the new expats?
It’s not just relocating expat professionals who’re fuelling the exodus of talent from home countries across the world, it’s digital nomads who use their freedom to travel whilst running their businesses online. Becoming a digital nomad and travelling the world whilst working and earning online is the new way to enjoy the freedom...

Singapore no longer welcoming experienced expat professionals

Singapore no longer welcoming experienced expat professionals
Singapore’s recent tightening of expat hiring requirements is causing companies difficulties as regards employing the right talents for the job. Local businesses needing expertise and experience in various positions from managerial upwards are now finding it far harder to get the right candidates for the jobs. Long-term expats have...

Vietnam ranks high in worlds best ESL teacher destinations

Vietnam ranks high in worlds best ESL teacher destinations
The Vietnamese ESL sector offers expat teachers great deals on salaries in addition to an inexpensive location. Teaching English as a second language in Vietnam gets salaries of between $1,000 and $2,000 a month in a land where the average salary for locals is just $2,352 a year! Expats with a university degree and a TEFL qualification...