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Expatriates working in Myanmar overjoyed with their disposable incomes

Expatriates working in Myanmar overjoyed with their disposable incomes
If you’re a expat professional looking for a real challenge including plenty of disposable income, Myanmar is the place to go. Happiness is a full wallet for many expats searching for a destination which offers challenges and commensurate financial rewards, with the occasional unlikely location offering up exactly that. For decades,...

Visa options for retirees heading for Thailand

Visa options for retirees heading for Thailand
Checking all Thailand’s visa options for those over 50 years of age is the best way to ensure a trouble-free retirement. Thailand is a perennially popular destination for expat retirees due to its tropical weather, low cost of living, established expat communities and inexpensive housing options. However, over the past few years, many...

Expat investors head north for buy to let bargains

Expat investors head north for buy to let bargains
For expats looking to live well from UK buy-to-let properties, research into the best regions for returns is now essential. With increasing house prices, increased stamp duty and the recent crackdown on tax all squeezing landlords’ profits, expats wanting to take advantage of the fall in sterling to make a buy-to-let investment need to...

Avoiding stress whilst planning a new life overseas

Avoiding stress whilst planning a new life overseas
Moving house in the home country is a stressful enough experience, but moving yourself overseas to start a new job can be even more stressful unless preparations are properly completed. Relocating to an unfamiliar country and taking on a new job on arrival isn’t the way to have a quiet life, but can do wonders for your career and...

Expat women on relocation more successful than their male equivalents

Expat women on relocation more successful than their male equivalents
Research shows the most successful ‘couples’ relocations occur when the female partner is offered the job. Many couples relocate overseas because one person has been offered an assignment, with the most successful relocations taking place when it’s the woman who’s working, according to a recent study. Author of the study Yvonne...

British expat retirees hit by massive scam and arrest of IFA firm CEO

British expat retirees hit by massive scam and arrest of IFA firm CEO
QROPS retirement savers are concerned for their offshore pensions’ futures as one provider’s CEO is arrested and another provider closes down. QROPS, first launched in 2006, have been favourites with expats and British pension savers approaching retirement age for over a decade, although the role of overseer taken by HMRC has...

Should expats learn a new language or not

Should expats learn a new language or not
One aspect of emigrating to a new country isn’t taken seriously enough by a high proportion of would-be expats – that of learning the local language. The major benefit of being able to communicate at least at a basic level with locals in your new country of residence isn’t just about shopping for commodities and ordering food in...

Expats in Southeast Asia warned over new dengue fever vaccine

Expats in Southeast Asia warned over new dengue fever vaccine
Emigrating to Southeast Asia includes protecting yourself and your family from exotic diseases, but the newly-released dengue fever inoculation could be more deadly than the virus itself. Dengue fever is a scourge across tropical Southeast Asia, spread by a particular species of mosquito which bites during the day. Symptoms vary between...

Expats in the Netherlands feeling the financial strain

Expats in the Netherlands feeling the financial strain
The Netherlands is a popular destination for expat professionals as well as entrepreneurs, but soaring costs of housing and problems with getting children into international schools are causing difficulties. According to a recent survey, the international expat community in the Netherlands is suffering two key problems – increasing...

Expats in Dubai should avoid pest-ridden areas when house hunting

Expats in Dubai should avoid pest-ridden areas when house hunting
The stunningly modern desert city of Dubai is an expat favourite for its career opportunities, its stunning new high-rise apartments and its luxury lifestyle, but all may not be quite as it seems in certain areas. Moving to Dubai is a dream for many ambitious expat professionals lured by the luxury lifestyle and stunning architecture of...