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Dubai eases up on laws restricting expats and visitors

Posted on August 2, 2019 in UAE
STORY LINK Dubai eases up on laws restricting expats and visitors
Dubai eases up on laws restricting expats and visitors
In the past, expats looking for a destination guaranteed to both boost their careers and pay dream salaries may well have rejected Dubai as being too restrictive. It’s true that, for many years, Dubai was seen as restrictive as regards many aspects of the expat lifestyle, but recent changes across the board have improved the emirate’s...

Choosing the right destination for your expatriation to France

Choosing the right destination for your expatriation to France
If you’re still determined to emigrate to France but are unsure of the exact destination, a tour of these five regions might help you make up your mind. France is a fascinating mix of glorious countryside, beaches, mountains, historic towns and cities, vineyards, castles, charming small towns and Paris, one of the world’s most visited...

Younger expats see a larger salary increase on relocation

Younger expats see a larger salary increase on relocation
If you’re looking to an expatriate-focused professional career, better get started when you’re younger than 35. One lesser-known fact of expat life is that the sooner it’s started the more can be initially earned and the more successful it can become. Taking the average expat assignment results in a pay increase of around 35 per cent...

What not to do as a newly-arrived expat in Germany

Posted on July 30, 2019 in Germany
STORY LINK What not to do as a newly-arrived expat in Germany
What not to do as a newly-arrived expat in Germany
If you’re heading to Germany for the first time as an expat, it pays to learn the do’s and don’ts of fitting in to the local culture. Germany is a popular destination for expats determined to advance their careers, but many find its culture tricky to understand due to its many rules. Germans are seen as inflexible and sometimes...

How to deal with reverse culture shock after a long overseas assignment

How to deal with reverse culture shock after a long overseas assignment
Is the reverse culture shock of coming home from a long-term assignment even worse than being a newbie in a strange land? In many ways, long term expatriate professionals risk losing their built-in sense of identity, home and belonging, all of which they learned from childhood up in their countries of birth. Some identify as expat...

Is Vienna an ideal destination for expat professionals?

Is Vienna an ideal destination for expat professionals?
Vienna wins out on world’s most liveable city survey. Yet another survey is praising Vienna as the perfect liveability destination for expat professionals out of 140 world cities. Expats who already know and love the city for its culture, environment, history and heritage will agree, although last year’s winner Melbourne may have been...

Is expat work-life balance now more important than salary?

Is expat work-life balance now more important than salary?
For many expats, one of the most important aspects of deciding to take a job overseas is its work-life balance. Not all prospective candidates for overseas positions place a high salary and its accompanying relocation allowances as the most important aspect of the decision to emigrate. For an increasing number, especially those with...

UAE gradually opening formerly closed doors to expat integration

UAE gradually opening formerly closed doors to expat integration
Dubai’s pace of change over the past several years has made the expat destination seem far more welcoming to expats. It’s hard to believe that, not so many decades ago, the 21st century glittering metropolis of Dubai was just a laid-back fishing community existing on the bounty of the sea in a time-capsule bubble. It’s now a world...

Is Cambodia becoming as anti-expat as Thailand?

Is Cambodia becoming as anti-expat as Thailand?
If you’ve been thinking of leaving Thailand and heading for Cambodia, thinking again might be a good idea. For a while now, as Thailand’s visa and lifestyle rulings have become more and more restrictive for expats, many have decided on neighboring Cambodia as the easiest escape for a quieter, more congenial lifestyle with more personal...

Where not to go to make your tech-based fortune

Where not to go to make your tech-based fortune
Where not to go if you’re a digital nomad or IT entrepreneur. The big news in the expat world is morphing away from the financial sector’s Asian hubs and the Gulf States to a sub-sector almost unheard of a decade ago – digital nomadism and entrepreneurship. It’s almost as if the multinationals have missed the boat and it’s all...