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Is Belize the next favourite for Brexit-hit UK expats?

Is Belize the next favourite for Brexit-hit UK expats?
Ever popular with expats from Canada and the USA, Belize is now being sought out by would-be refugees from Brexit-hit Europe and the UK. Central America has been a favourite for escapees from the USA looking for an affordable, less chaotic life than that in the home country, and is now firmly on the radar of potential expats from Europe...

Getting to grips with the French healthcare system

Getting to grips with the French healthcare system
If you’ve decided to give France a chance post-Brexit, you’ll need to get to grips with its healthcare rules. Once you’ve actually arrived in your chosen destination, how you access the French healthcare system depends on your category as a new expat on the block. If you’re an employee, a legal resident in France, a business owner...

US and UK youth desperate for an expat life overseas

US and UK youth desperate for an expat life overseas
It seems it’s not just Britons fleeing Brexit before it’s too late who’re starting a diaspora, as more American citizens than ever before want to expatriate. Whether it’s down to the USA’s polarised political climate or the massive costs of healthcare, a record number of US citizens are desperate to leave what used to be the...

Reverse culture shock hits hard on returning expat professionals

Reverse culture shock hits hard on returning expat professionals
Relocating back to the home country may result in worse culture shock than leaving for a new assignment. Much is written about the potentially damaging effects of culture shock experienced by expat professionals arriving in an unfamiliar country to take up a new job, but the even worse culture shock of returning home is rarely mentioned....

Eindhoven still ultra popular with tech expat professionals

Eindhoven still ultra popular with tech expat professionals
Eindhoven is still a popular location for tech expats looking to start-up success, but is local prejudice an issue? Known locally as the ‘city of lights’, the Dutch city of Eindhoven has attracted a large number of expat entrepreneurs over the past several years. The nickname came about due to electronics multinational Phillips’...

Expats in Thailand giving up and moving on

Expats in Thailand giving up and moving on
As the expat exodus from Thailand continues, a survey reveals it's professionals working for internationally-based firms and expat business owners who’re deciding to leave. Following on from a similar survey in 2017, the recent study revealed a significant number of expat professionals under the age of 50 have now left, thus making good...

Saudis and Kiwi expats come together over Christchurch terror attack

Saudis and Kiwi expats come together over Christchurch terror attack
New Zealand expats in Saudi Arabia are comforted by Saudi citizens’ reactions to the tragic Christchurch terror attack. Saudi Arabia is a popular destination for expat professionals from New Zealand, all of whom were devastated and angered by the news of last week’s terrorist attack in Christchurch. Many acknowledge the modern world...

How to choose the right city as an expat in Vietnam

How to choose the right city as an expat in Vietnam
Vietnam’s popularity as an expat destination is growing year by year, but choosing the right city can be tricky. Vietnam has made massive strides towards escaping its war-torn third world label and is now Southeast Asia’s most thriving economy, attracting expatriates from all over the developed world. For Westerners, the move is a...

Dealing with the healthcare system in Singapore as an expat

Dealing with the healthcare system in Singapore as an expat
New expat arrivals in Singapore could be forgiven for feeling confused about the city-state’s healthcare rules and regulations. Looking after your health in a new location is one of the most important aspects of settling in to a new job in a new land. Singapore’s healthcare system is reasonably straightforward compared to a number of...

Gallup poll indicates net gains and losses caused by voluntary expatriation

Gallup poll indicates net gains and losses caused by voluntary expatriation
As emigration for work, leisure or retirement becomes ever more common across the world, which countries are the winners and which the losers? In some ways, patterns of emigration resemble those of lemmings searching for a convenient cliff – with certain countries attractive to particular nationalities and disliked by others. For...