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Foreign workers cause rising fears over jobs for Australians

Foreign workers cause rising fears over jobs for Australians
The increasing number of temporary skilled workers, students and working holidaymakers granted access to the country is giving rise to fears over a lack of jobs for Aussie nationals. Working holiday arrivals numbering in the hundreds of thousands have poured into the country, along with students allowed to take part-time jobs and skilled...

Survey ranks UAE 9th best world country for expat life

Survey ranks UAE 9th best world country for expat life
In spite of recent press reports of increased crackdowns on expats in the North African Arab states, the UAE has been voted the 9th best expat destination in the world in a recent survey. The 2013 edition of HSBC’s Expat Explorer survey resulted in the emirates being ranked as 9th out of all the 100 countries surveyed, with respondents...

Canada immigration minister to prioritise reuniting families in 2014

Canada immigration minister to prioritise reuniting families in 2014
Aggressive action to deal with the massive backlog of immigration applications by parents and grandparents will, according to Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration minister, be prioritised in a 2014 push to reunite families. Minister Chris Alexander announced that the parent and grandparent backlog will have decreased by around 50 per...

Boom in Brit exports to Korea sees expats following the trend

Boom in Brit exports to Korea sees expats following the trend
Recent efforts to promote stronger ties between the UK and South Korea have resulted in an export boom, with would-be expats rushing to join in. The popular Asian relocation destinations of Singapore, Hong Kong and mainland China are being joined by the, until now, overlooked country of South Korea. Stronger ties with Britain are resulting...

Recently released report claims immigrants are a fiscal burden to Canada

Recently released report claims immigrants are a fiscal burden to Canada
A recently released report is expected to prove controversial for its claims that immigrants arriving during the last 23 years have claimed more in benefits that they have paid in taxes. The report, published by the Fraser Institute, has at its centre economics professor Herbert Grubel, an immigration expert well-known for his...

Wrongly deported family can return but must pay CA$6000 deportation costs

Wrongly deported family can return but must pay CA$6000 deportation costs
The painful tale of a family fleeing Libya for Canada as refugees has now taken an even worse turn. Adel Benhmuda, his wife and his four children made a bid for freedom from persecution in Libya, but were refused refugee status once they had arrived in Canada. In 2008, the entire family was deported back to Libya where, on their arrival,...

South Sudan and Angola capital cities most expensive for migrant oil workers

South Sudan and Angola capital cities most expensive for migrant oil workers
Luanda and Juba, the Angolan and South Sudanese capitals, have now been ranked as two of the most expensive oil and gas hubs for expats. Several surveys have recently identified African oil and gas towns as more expensive for expat living than any other hydrocarbon destination. The latest ranking, taken from the Mercer Cost of Living...

Australia to fast track millionaire visas

Australia to fast track millionaire visas
In an effort to strike while the iron is hot and grab millionaire migrants for itself, Australia is introducing fast-track visas for those willing to invest AU$5 million. The new coalition government is committed to making it easier for millionaire investors and business-focused immigrants from the Middle East, India and China to...

Canada to extend start-up visa to encourage entrepreneurs

Canada to extend start-up visa to encourage entrepreneurs
Canada’s federal government is to extend its new start-up visa in order to attract entrepreneurs, even although no start-up visas have been issued as yet. The recently-appointed Immigration Minister Chris Alexander announced the expansion of the new visa on Monday, describing it as a business incubator immigration stream aimed at...

Experts believe Russia should modify its immigration policy

Experts believe Russia should modify its immigration policy
Recent xenophobic riots in a Moscow suburb are expected to spark socio-economic problems and may result in changes to Russia’s immigration regulations. The riots took place following the stabbing of a Russian national in a mainly immigrant district in South Moscow. Immigrants’ stores were looted, and Russian police arrested over 1,000...