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Spain still number one for British expat retirees

Spain still number one for British expat retirees
Although the number of Brit expats in Spain is falling fast, the country is still Britons’ number one favourite for retirement. Statistics compiled by a leading international removals company placed the long-term expat favourite at number one in its data on UK emigrants’ European destinations. Some 13 per cent of their clients were...

Is Italy the new Spain for expat retirees?

Is Italy the new Spain for expat retirees?
For would-be expat retirees who’ve decided against Spain and France, Italy is the place for a stylish retirement. Reports of violence in favourite Spanish resorts and France’s ambivalent attitude towards Brits since the Brexit referendum are turning would-be expat retirees’ thoughts to the Italian delights of food, wine, great...

UK offers healthcare coverage for expat retirees in EU

UK offers healthcare coverage for expat retirees in EU
The British government has introduced a bill aimed at continuing the funding of EU-based Brit expat pensioners’ healthcare in the event of a no-deal Brexit. The bill came after French lawmakers said their government was considering safeguarding healthcare provisions for British expats if Britain ceased to make reciprocal payments...

Expats in the Netherlands access worlds? best pension scheme

Expats in the Netherlands access worlds? best pension scheme
If you’ve decided the Netherlands is your forever home and have a permanent job, the Dutch pension system will ensure your comfortable retirement. The Dutch pension system is recognised as one of the two best on the planet, due to the diversity of its sources of funding, its strong regulation and its accuracy in calculating...

City of London expats have huge choice of new locations

City of London expats have huge choice of new locations
Which European capital to choose if you’ve no confidence in post-Brexit Britain? As Brexit creeps closer with no solution in sight, long-term professionals working in the City of London may well be considering which European capital is the best destination for their talents. The rush of financial companies to exit before Brexit is...

Planning your relocation to suit your preferences

Planning your relocation to suit your preferences
In general, Europe is the most comfortable location for would-be career-mined expatriates, due to its high standards of living and almost-familiar cultures. Although visa requirements for emigration or relocation to European countries will be tougher post-Brexit, the continent isn’t likely to lose its popularity with would-be expats...

Climate and quality of life are Spain?s best selling points

Climate and quality of life are Spain?s best selling points
If you’re betting on a record-breaking salary and the CEO’s job, forget it, but Spain has one of the world’s best qualities of life. Whilst Singapore won out on the latest expat survey for its work opportunities, salaries and education facilities, Spain scraped into 14th overall place out of 31 world countries but only scored 27th...

Will British expat entrepreneurs stay in France post-Brexit?

Will British expat entrepreneurs stay in France post-Brexit?
British entrepreneurs have transformed many of France’s rural areas, but will they be able to stay post-Brexit? The French countryside with its charming towns and villages has been a magnet for Britons over the past decades with many starting their own businesses and benefiting locals as well as the expat community. Long-term expats...

EU stays mum on British expat rights

EU stays mum on British expat rights
The European Union is being urged to reassure British expats as to their post-Brexit status. With negotiations stalled yet again, Britons living, working and retiring in EU member states are being left out in the cold as regards any assurances about their futures in their chosen countries of residence. Their situations contrast with those...

Tips for Brits heading to new lives in Spain

Tips for Brits heading to new lives in Spain
Spain is perhaps the best-known destination for British would-be expats, but it’s not just retirees who’re heading there in 2018. In spite of the fact that the number of British pensioners living in Spain has doubled over the last decade, the perennial country’s popularity is now extending to expats with young families and...