Europe News News - Emigrate UK Page 30
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Expat tax efficiency after a move to Spain
If you’ve recently relocated to Spain or are still planning to make the move, investigating the country’s tax-efficient opportunities could save you money.
The most important part of your move to Spain as regards tax-efficiency is to establish the exact date you became resident for tax purposes. Your liabilities will include tax on...
Expats in the Netherlands enraged by lack of action on tax break
Expats working in the Netherlands are now committed to legal action after the government finally reneged on its 30 per cent tax break for incomers.
Expatriates across the country are referring to the day of judgement as Black Tuesday, venting their anger and feelings of exploitation and betrayal as they continue to raise funds for a...
Lack of Spanish online property data frustrates expat buyers
If you’re rushing to get settled in Spain before Brexit kicks in, you’ll have already noticed the frustrating lack of online property data.
Expat property purchasers hoping to make the move to Spain before the end of March next year are getting frustrated by the lack of online information about local house prices in the selected...
Prague wins out as expat job source due to skills shortage
Although the Czech Republic may not be your first choice as a career and bank-balance booster, taking a closer look may change your mind.
Unless the decision to relocate overseas really is about the money and nothing else, there’s a good choice of up and coming expatriate destinations, not all of which are on the other side of the world...
Expats in Netherlands fight on over 30 per cent ruling transition period
Expat professionals are still fighting the government’s shock change of mind on the popular 30 per cent expat tax break.
Expats who chose the Netherlands to start new businesses or take on jobs overseas due to its government’s 30 per cent tax break scheme are still furious over the drastic reduction of the valuable benefit. Timing...
Amsterdam expat fair kicks off 7th October
For newly arrived expats and for those considering a Netherlands relocation, this annual expat fair is a don’t miss event.
For talented professionals who’ve the Netherlands on their short lists for relocation destinations, this expat-oriented one stop shop can answer most if not all of your questions. It’s a once-a-year event,...
Expat engineers and techies welcome in Bulgaria
Bulgaria may not be every expat’s idea of heaven, but Sofia is great for freelancers, digital nomads and engineers.
Adventurous expats searching for a low-cost, fast-internet location could do far worse than to head for Bulgaria’s capital Sofia. Expert programmers, IT specialists and engineers are in short supply and can earn salaries...
Expat entrepreneurs in Estonia offered help in integrating
For expat tech entrepreneurs in Estonia who’re having problems with the language and culture, help is on the way!
Several projects especially designed for bewildered expats living and working in Tallin by the Estonian Institute are being offered to new arrivals in order to help them settle in and make the best of their Estonian...
Expat professionals giving Germany a miss due to unfriendly locals
Many expat professionals find Germany an attractive proposition for career advancement, but wish the locals were friendlier.
If quality of life is an essential in the wish-list for relocating overseas, it might be wise to give Germany a miss, according to a recent survey, especially if you’re taking your family along. Present day high...
Anti Brexit expats in Europe told to just go home
Why are expats fighting for their rights in Europe being told to ‘just come home’?
Social media is one way to let off steam for UK expats trapped in European member states with no idea what will happen to them at the end of next March. Sadly, the response by a number of other posters is ‘come home then’ at best and a selection of...