Europe News News - Emigrate UK Page 42

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Tax breaks and added perks aim at attracting City bankers to Europe

Tax breaks and added perks aim at attracting City bankers to Europe
If you’re a financial services professional planning to relocate to Europe either before or after Brexit, you’re likely to keep more of your salary than your UK counterparts. New analysis has shown bankers and financial services professionals will benefit from certain personal tax sweeteners after their employers have relocated to new...

Sneaky Brit government excludes referendums from votes for life

Sneaky Brit government excludes referendums from votes for life
Long-term UK expats are furious the new votes for life bill doesn't give the right to vote in referendums. For expats who’ve lived long-term overseas, the chance to have votes for life may well be on the way after many years of protesting and lobbying against the 15-year disenfranchisement law. However, the UK government’s commitment...

Amsterdam court decision gives hope to UK and EU expats

Amsterdam court decision gives hope to UK and EU expats
A court in Amsterdam has ruled a case presented by five British nationals must be forwarded to the European Court of Justice at the Hague. The Amsterdam court’s decision is a landmark legal ruling which may have positive results for UK expats uncertain about their post-Brexit rights to remain as EU citizens. The five plaintiffs, all...

Brits heading for Spain may have longer to arrange their departure

Brits heading for Spain may have longer to arrange their departure
Brits hoping against hope they can leave the UK before Brexit wrecks their lives now have until December 2020 to settle in Spain, providing the UK agrees to the later date. Given that nothing’s yet set in tablets of stone, it does seem would-be UK expats yearning for the Spanish lifestyle might have almost three full years before the...

Singing superstar Spanish tax case is warning for UK expats

Singing superstar Spanish tax case is warning for UK expats
The result of the ongoing tax case against singing superstar Shakira could be all too relevant for British expats who’re living in Spain and working overseas. The Spanish tax authority is claiming the world-famous singing star has spent enough time actually living in Spain to be legally liable for tax on her massive worldwide earnings....

Netherlands needs more international tech skills

Netherlands needs more international tech skills
The already huge tech sector in the Netherlands is growing faster than expected, and now needs highly-skilled international professionals. The significant growth in the sector is both good and bad news, as there aren’t enough home-grown tech specialists to satisfy its increasing demands. At the present time, some 286,000 employees are...

Long stay expats and new arrivals urged to register with the Spanish padron

Long stay expats and new arrivals urged to register with the Spanish padron
If you’re still determined to emigrate to Spain before Brexit is finalised, you really do need to register with your local authority soon after you arrive. Local authorities in Costa del Sol towns popular with expat Brits are growing ever more concerned about the number of unregistered UK expats in their locality. Recently released...

Global economics study slams France as unattractive for expat professionals

Global economics study slams France as unattractive for expat professionals
A study undertaken by global economics organisation OECD has criticised France for its lack of attraction for skilled expat workers. The study's main target is France’s economic immigration system which, according to the OECD, desperately needs improvement and modernisation in order to supply the needs of its labour market. Although...

London now most expensive European city for upscale rental property

London now most expensive European city for upscale rental property
With London now Europe’s most expensive city for rental accommodation, is it time for expat professionals to request a move to another location? According to new research, professionals living and working in London must now pay out some £5,000 plus every month for suitable apartments within a reasonable distance from their places of...

EU ruling may make life easier for self employed expats

EU ruling may make life easier for self employed expats
A recent European Union ruling is set to benefit self-employed expats in Europe’s member states. The ruling by the European Court of Justice was triggered by a case involving an EU citizen working in Ireland in a self-employed capacity. The expat was afraid for his access to welfare and right to residence after he stopped working after...