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Brit expats renting out UK homes can now claim business rate relief and grants

Brit expats renting out UK homes can now claim business rate relief and grants
British expats living overseas and renting out their UK properties as holiday lets can now claim bounce-back loans as well as business rate relief. The loosening of regulations on hospitality businesses falls under Britain’s recently announced coronavirus financial rescue package aimed at protecting landlords and SMEs serving the...

Is Japan’s highly priced lifestyle worth it for expat professionals?

Is Japan’s highly priced lifestyle worth it for expat professionals?
If Japan’s always been your destination of choice, checking your actual cost of living before you go is the best idea. There are three reasons for Japan’s consistent ratings as an expensive expat location – Tokyo itself, the Japanese culture and its geographic location. Taking its location first, the archipelago lies 124 miles from...

Brit expats worried over higher food and insurance costs due to covid-19

Brit expats worried over higher food and insurance costs due to covid-19
With the economic effect of the coronavirus pandemic looming, would-be expats calculating their monthly needs should watch out for sudden price hikes. No-one’s certain how badly the pandemic will affect investments, savings, pensions, exchange rates and world economic health, but for would-be expat retirees calculating their financial...

Expats heading for Oz take advantage of slashed rents and rent-free periods

Expats heading for Oz take advantage of slashed rents and rent-free periods
If you’re considering giving Australia a try as your expatriation haven, now’s the time. Many would-be expats see Australia as the perfect destination for a new job, a start-up business or a comfortable retirement, even although the country as a whole and its cities in particular are known to be very expensive as regards day-to-day...

Brits looking to emigrate may have problems selling their UK properties

Brits looking to emigrate may have problems selling their UK properties
If the pandemic is your motivation for making a new life as an expat, selling your UK home may not be as rewarding as you need due to the virus’s projected negative effect on British house prices. As if the virus itself wasn’t providing enough of a doomsday scenario, its likely effect on not only house prices but also the likelihood...

Is living like a local the new expat strategy?

Is living like a local the new expat strategy?
Living like a local after relocating overseas is the best way to get the most out of becoming an expat. Whether you’re looking forward to an early retirement, travelling for the sheer joy of it or wanting to experience a new lifestyle, living like a local is the way to go. For those not wanting to live out of a suitcase whilst sampling...

Jobless expats in Kuwait urged to hang on as landlords get ugly

Jobless expats in Kuwait urged to hang on as landlords get ugly
Expats in Kuwaiti rental accommodation are getting scared of eviction by their greedy landlords. One of the major concerns for expats who’ve lost their jobs in Kuwait as a result of the coronavirus pandemic is losing their tenancies after being unable to pay the rent. Following a good number of sympathetic real estate campaigns urging...

British expats relying on seasonal work in Spain are fearing the worst

British expats relying on seasonal work in Spain are fearing the worst
British expats in Spain who rely on seasonal work as an extra income now face being left high and dry. Working through Spain’s tourist season either on daily rates or short term contracts has been a favourite with British expats short of ready cash or on the UK government’s less than generous retirement pensions. Clubs, bars and...

Saudi king to pay expats’ covid-19 hospital costs

Saudi king to pay expats’ covid-19 hospital costs
Expats living and working in Saudi Arabia who’ve caught the coronavirus will have all costs involved paid by the kingdom’s monarch. The popular expat professional destination is fighting hard to control the pandemic’s outbreak within its borders, with its Health Minister urging all those who believe they may be infected to get...

Recently retired expats to be financially hard hit by market chaos

Recently retired expats to be financially hard hit by market chaos
According to financial professionals, recently-retired expats will be hit hard by the ongoing COVID-19 worldwide crisis and its effect on world markets. With the dread word ‘recession’ being bandied about on news pages and elsewhere online, it’s obvious that newly-retired expats in favourite destinations worldwide are having to...