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Kremlin blasts US lesbian for adopting abandoned Russian child

Kremlin blasts US lesbian for adopting abandoned Russian child
The Russian Foreign Ministry has stated it is investigating the adoption of a Siberian boy by a US lesbian woman, saying she hid her sexuality from Russian authorities. As a follow-on to President Putin’s banning of US adoptions of Russian children, considered to be a knee-jerk reaction to new US laws targeting Russian human rights...

Canadian immigration authority introduces International Experience Class visa

Canadian immigration authority introduces International Experience Class visa
Two previous visa categories aimed at young people, the International Youth Programme and the International Exchange Programme, have been merged into the new International Experience Class (IEC). The new programme allows young people to visit Canada and support themselves by working whilst they get to grips with the country. The scheme is...

Britain faces brain drain as two million workers leave

Britain faces brain drain as two million workers leave
Over the last 10 years, two million Brits of working age have voted with their feet and emigrated, causing fears of a brain drain and its effect on the economy. The warning came from leading Conservative and secretary of the 1922 Committee Nick de Bois, who stressed that a change in culture is needed to stem the flow of the brightest and...

Irish Canadian Immigration Centre?s first year an unqualified success

Irish Canadian Immigration Centre?s first year an unqualified success
The Toronto-based Irish Canadian Immigration Centre is now a year old, and has offered assistance to with everything from visas through jobs to health advice to thousands of Irish immigrants. The dedicated outreach centre is filling a much-needed gap in the immigration process for the many thousands of Irish immigrants attracted to a new...

Financial advisors flock to Cayman Islands after visa concessions

Financial advisors flock to Cayman Islands after visa concessions
New visa concessions which came into law in September last year have resulted in a rush by financial advisers to take up residence in the Caymans. Up to 1,000 more FAs have arrived in the Caymans than arrived during the same period last year, due to new visa offerings guaranteeing 10-year work permits for managers and executives working...

Russia introduces raft of relaxed immigration laws for expats

Russia introduces raft of relaxed immigration laws for expats
The recently-introduces new laws are aimed at making it easier for investors and expat workers to relocate to Russia, a process which, in the past, has been extremely complicated. The major changes announced by the Russian Federal Migration Service (FMS) are aimed at investors with the introduction of the Investment Visitor Visa. The visa...

Far East to become magnet for talented expats

Far East to become magnet for talented expats
The opening of China and the rise of other Asian hubs is giving rise to a new trend amongst those looking to enjoy a new lifestyle and a more challenging job. As Europe still struggles under its collective debt crisis and political unrest, the phrase ‘Go East, young man’ is taking on a modern-day slant for many talented workers and...

Buying a US Green Card is More Popular than Ever

Posted on February 12, 2013 in Immigration
STORY LINK Buying a US Green Card is More Popular than Ever
Buying a US Green Card is More Popular than Ever
In a study conducted by Bloomberg and released this week, the number of foreign investors and entrepreneurs approved for the EB-5 visa more than doubled in 2012. The EB-5 visa grants a non-US national the opportunity to become a US citizen through an investment of at least $500,000 into a US enterprise, which will employ a minimum of ten...

Plummeting Polish property prices give hope to potential expats

Plummeting Polish property prices give hope to potential expats
The news that property prices in Poland are still falling, with an oversupply of homes for sale, is encouraging news for disenchanted Brits looking for cheap property overseas. The ongoing Eurocrisis has affected real estate prices across Poland since 2008, and there’s no sign of improvement due to an oversupply of properties for sale....

Romania strikes back over stereotyped misrepresentation of migrants

Romania strikes back over stereotyped misrepresentation of migrants
As the debate over immigration rumbles on in the UK, Romania is hitting back over accusations of scroungers, scam artists and other undesirables queuing to get into Britain at the first opportunity. In an aggrieved response to what it sees as scaremongering in the UK Media over the possible increase in Romanian migrants after the lifting...