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UKBA failing to deal with immigration backlog

UKBA failing to deal with immigration backlog
A new report by a government immigration inspector suggests that the UK Border Agency doesn’t have an adequate system in place for dealing with the rising number of foreign nationals in Britain who are staying on even though their visas have expired. The report claims that the number remaining in the country without the proper paperwork has...

Jobless young people in Portugal told to look abroad

Jobless young people in Portugal told to look abroad
As jobless rates continue to soar in Portugal, the country’s Prime Minister has angered many by declaring that young people without a job should show more initiative and seek employment abroad. Economic recession and the current debt crisis have pushed unemployment figures to a critical level. Pedro Passos Coelho seems to have hit a...

Migrant figures in UK double in some areas

Posted on July 3, 2012 in Immigration UK
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Migrant figures in UK double in some areas
New figures suggest that in some areas of the UK the number of people settling from abroad may be more than double previous estimates. A change in the way the Office for National Statistics calculates its immigration numbers indicates a sharp increase in some parts of Aylesbury, Herefordshire and London. However, some councils, such as...

New UK citizenship test announced

Posted on July 2, 2012 in Immigration Politics UK
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New UK citizenship test announced
Ministers have suggested changing the test immigrants are required to complete when applying to settle in the UK. Questions on the Human Rights Act and benefits claims will be left out in future and be replaced by questions concerning British culture. Potential immigrants will soon be required to know more about Florence Nightingale,...

40k Irish nationals emigrated in 2011

40k Irish nationals emigrated in 2011
According to a recent detailed study, the rate of Irish people emigrating is now higher than the amount of immigrants who entered during the employment boom. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reports that over 76,000 people emigrated from the country in 2011. This number has nearly tripled in comparison to...

Emigration rising from eurozone borders

Emigration rising from eurozone borders
According to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), migrant workers who relocated to Western Europe before the financial crisis are now deciding to return home to nations which are growing economically. A rising number of migrants have been leaving many nations of the eurozone, particularly the ones worst-hit by the...

Young Canadian workers seek global jobs

Posted on June 27, 2012 in Canada Working Abroad
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Young Canadian workers seek global jobs
The outcome from a new study carried out by ICMA International reveals that young Canadian workers wish to work overseas and are seeking jobs offering them international career opportunities. When Canadians under age 39 seek out an employer, 168% consider global and international career opportunities as key factors. Others, 36%, consider...

Staff shortage at ASIO to check refugees

Staff shortage at ASIO to check refugees
According to a recent audit, the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, a spy agency that checks asylum seekers for possible security threats, has been battling against rudimentary computer systems, the sudden hike in boat arrivals, and 30% less staff than necessary. The inspection into the ASIO came after criticism of the delays...

Higgins suggests using abandoned estates as emigrants holiday homes

Higgins suggests using abandoned estates as emigrants holiday homes
Irish President Michael D Higgins has proposed to utilize ghost estates as holiday homes for emigrants who have fallen on hard times overseas. During yesterday’s visit to west London at GAA grounds, Mr Higgins said the idea of making use of the empty estates around the nation was a worthy consideration. Initially, the proposal came up...

Aussie political party wants no more Kiwis

Aussie political party wants no more Kiwis
As Australia’s population keeps growing, a local political party is demanding a stop to the unlimited immigration of New Zealanders. The newly-formed Stable Population Party has argued that the pact allowing Kiwis free flow into Australia must be abolished. Clifford Hayes, the party's Victoria Senate candidate says it is still possible...