News - Emigrate UK Page 16

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There’s more to being an expat than just teaching English

There’s more to being an expat than just teaching English
Teaching English overseas isn’t the only alternative for talented expats. If you’re planning to teach English after you’ve left your home country and settled into your new location, it’s as good a start as any as regards paying your bills. However, as many reluctant expat teachers of English have found, it can be a stairway to a...

Bangkok and Chiang Mai no longer affordable cities for expats

Bangkok and Chiang Mai no longer affordable cities for expats
A recent survey has nailed Bangkok and Chiang Mai for both destinations’ rising costs of living. Formerly known as inexpensive cities for both expat workers and retirees, the results of a recently released survey have confirmed what foreign residents in both cities have already realised – they’re no longer affordable destinations...

Accountants offered tempting expat incentives by the Isle of Man

Accountants offered tempting expat incentives by the Isle of Man
The Isle of Man may not be the most glamorous, exotic destination for expat accountants, but it’s good for wages and tax breaks. If you’re either a qualified or even an unqualified accounts expert, the Isle of Man wants you in 2020. For those looking to relocate from a Britain mired in a year of Brexit negotiations, it’s just the...

Expat kids at Chinese international schools get the best education

Expat kids at Chinese international schools get the best education
One of the most important factors as regards relocation as a family is the quality and cost of ongoing international education. For expat families heading overseas for a long-term assignment, their children’s education is one of the most important aspects of the move. It’s not just language difficulties, it’s the quality and style...

Expat retirees considering Thailand should note healthcare changes

Expat retirees considering Thailand should note healthcare changes
If you’re still thinking of retiring in Thailand and have ongoing medical issues, a new idea by the Thai government may help you decide! Expat retirees living in Thailand have had a bad year as regards calls on their financial resources ever since the UK and USA embassies stopped issuing letters confirming their incomes as required by...

Culture shock in Europe can come as a surprise

Culture shock in Europe can come as a surprise
Culture shock is a common expat experience even in familiar European states. For the majority of expats who’ve been on holiday in various EU member states, the thought of experiencing culture shock when relocating to a known environment doesn’t occur, but the difference between being a tourist and a resident soon kicks in once the...

Expat entrepreneurs in Amsterdam facing bans on shared housing

Expat entrepreneurs in Amsterdam facing bans on shared housing
For younger expats and students heading for Amsterdam, finding legally shared accommodation is about to get far more expensive. Since the Dutch city became a popular location for digital nomads and tech expats from the UK and other European states, finding affordable accommodation has become a nightmare, with many giving up and returning...

Expats love Montreal for its long, snowy winters

Posted on December 6, 2019 in Canada
STORY LINK Expats love Montreal for its long, snowy winters
Expats love Montreal for its long, snowy winters
If long, snowy winters are your absolute favourite thing, your expat destination must be Montreal! Canada is well known for its wide expanses of snow-covered landscape best viewed from the comfort of a heated 4 by 4 vehicle, but if snow really is your thing you’ll love this expat destination. Winters in the vast country’s spectacular...

Wealthy Hong Kong expats and residents now heading for Penang

Wealthy Hong Kong expats and residents now heading for Penang
As the violent pro-democracy protests drag on, increasing numbers of Hong Kongers are now buying property in Penang. Wealthy Hong Kong expats and locals are heading to Penang as the Chinese noose tightens around the home city. Malaysia has always been a popular holiday home destination for the Hong Kong wealthy, whether expats or...

Dublin now world’s worst for expat accommodation

Posted on December 4, 2019 in Ireland
STORY LINK Dublin now world’s worst for expat accommodation
Dublin now world’s worst for expat accommodation
If you’re considering relocating to Dublin due to Brexit, you may have unexpected issues finding a suitable property. According to newly-released survey results, the Irish Republic’s capital is now the world’s worst as regards finding an affordable place to live. The popular expat destination came last in the study of 83 world...