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Breaking cultural barriers as an expat professional in Myanmar
What’s it really like for expats living and working in Myanmar?
The troubled Southeast Asian country of Myanmar fully opened its borders and its economy to the rest of the world less than ten years ago. After having been closed for more than 50 years, the country was then considered a frontier market with a huge number of setbacks...
Expat teachers in Vietnam getting used to the new normal
Expat teachers living and working in Vietnam are getting used to the new normal.
Vietnam’s reaction to the coronavirus’s attack on the country was considered one of the planet’s most successful to date, allowing locals and expats to rediscover their lives and adjust. With many cites and towns now opening up after a period of...
Getting used to a new country as an expat professional arrival
After the excitement of moving overseas and becoming an expat, most new arrivals begin to miss certain reliable aspects of their old life.
Dependent on the culture of the destination country, almost all expats will feel the pangs of separation from experiences which were the norm for most of their lives to date. Perhaps the first to cause...
Best countries to find work as an expat professional
If you’re excited about your prospects of becoming a successful expat professional overseas, choosing exactly the right location for your talents is essential.
Apart from upgrading your portfolio, becoming an expat in a strange land is a thrilling way to see the world and experience diverse cultures. However, some countries make it...
Wealthy expats in UAE may get more investment protection
Are the Gulf States about to lose their reputation with IFAs as the land of milk and honey?
First built up, then buoyed up by the region’s massive reserves of oil, the Middle Eastern economies soon became the destination of choice for expatriate professionals determined to generate their personal wealth as well as that of their new...
How to get the best expat rental deal in overpriced Prague
New expat arrivals in Prague may get better deals on rental apartments by using these tips. Real estate agents in the popular city are advising new expatriate arrivals to negotiate rental discounts at this time of virus threat and projected economic downturn. Prague is infamous in expat circles for its sky-high rental charges, with most...
Mismanaged pandemic kills expat appetites for London luxury property
Germany is now taking over as a safe haven for expats and foreigners investing in property.
For many years, wealthy British expats as well as investors from China and the Gulf States have kept London’s luxury property market on a rolling boil, but Germany is now taking over as the West’s prime real estate market. The British capital...
Amazing Vietnam now being praised by its resident expats
Expats living and working in Vietnam are praising the country’s success in controlling the coronavirus pandemic.
Given the devastating effect on the world economy caused by the pandemic, it’s no surprise that Vietnam’s speedy recovery including zero deaths is causing pundits to project an economic revival way ahead of those in the...
What’s Dubai really like for newly-arrived expats?
If you’re heading for Dubai after the pandemic has quietened down, prepare yourself for a unique experience!
In many ways, Dubai is a totally unique city full of surprises as well as traps for the unwary, giving an experience rare in world expat destinations. Life in the city goes on 24/7, with expats permanently on the run from work to...
Study suggests expat relocations lead to better self-awareness
A new study is telling would-be expats that moving overseas is the best decision you’ll ever make.
If you’re feeling as though you’re wading through a vast lake of mud and getting nowhere fast, becoming an expat in a strange land can lead to sharper decision making and a vastly improved sense of self. A study undertaken by social...