Politics News - Emigrate UK Page 2

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Surveys show almost half of Italians favour leaving the EU

Surveys show almost half of Italians favour leaving the EU
For those Brits looking to move to Italy before Brexit kicks in, the bad news may well be that Italians are demanding their own version of Brexit! Italian citizens are furious the EU didn’t step in with assistance when the pandemic arrived, even although it was obvious the government was struggling with the speed of the spread. In the...

Are expats in Asia increasingly unwelcome?

Are expats in Asia increasingly unwelcome?
All across human history, those seen as ‘different’ have been targeted for blame when man-made or natural disasters have occurred. Nowadays, in the so-called enlightened and decidedly connected 21st century, it’s happening again all across the Asian continent. Whether it’s Trump calling out China for a supposed deliberate attack...

Brit expats urged to support lawyers working for continued EU rights

Brit expats urged to support lawyers working for continued EU rights
British expats in Europe are being urged to support a permanent status for the UK’s EU citizenship. Although the Brexit-originated Withdrawal Agreement came into force at the end of January this year, thus supposedly removing all 6 million Britons’ rights to free movement and EU citizenship, a group of passionate citizens and lawyers...

Brits rush for dual EU nationality in order to retain free movement

Brits rush for dual EU nationality in order to retain free movement
Predictions that huge numbers of Brits desperate to retain EU free movement would become dual citizens are now coming true. Perhaps the most controversial issue during the run-up to the Brexit vote was that of free movement, whether for work or personal purposes. Britons with holiday homes in Europe, expat retirees with families still...

Expats in the Gulf States urged to sympathise with rich list losses

Expats in the Gulf States urged to sympathise with rich list losses
Whilst you’re confined to your high-rise expat apartment in Dubai wondering how to celebrate Easter, remember to spare a caring thought for the 13 UAE billionaires whose holdings have dropped like the proverbial stone due to the virus’s effect on the economy and property values as well as the NMC Healthcare financial scandal. The...

Extra stamp duty increase on buy to let is bad news for expat investors

Extra stamp duty increase on buy to let is bad news for expat investors
If your expat retirement strategy is based on buy-to-let income, yesterday’s 2020 budget may not be great news. Nowadays, many would-be expats planning their overseas retirement base their investment income on British buy-to-let revenues, with the long term appreciation in house prices an added bonus. Buying and letting out a property...

Brits heading to Spain urged to go with the post-Brexit flow

Brits heading to Spain urged to go with the post-Brexit flow
If you’re halfway through your plan to emigrate to Spain before the end of this year, it’s time to face up to changes. Many expats in Spain as well as even more attempting to get out of the UK before the end of this year may not realise the present situation is the calm before the storm. Change is now coming and needs to be faced up...

China restricts VPN usage to keep coronavirus news under wraps

China restricts VPN usage to keep coronavirus news under wraps
For new expat arrivals in China, the recent crackdown on VPNs is making life more difficult. Immediate internet access can be crucial for new expat arrivals in China as regards the ease of contacting their banks and other necessities back in the home country, as well as being able to assure friends and family they’ve arrived safely and...

Hated 15 year expat disenfranchisement rule to finally be scrapped

Hated 15 year expat disenfranchisement rule to finally be scrapped
Whilst it’s too little, too late for British expats desperate to prevent Brexit, the long-overdue scrapping of the disenfranchisement rule will at least allow them to have a say in the UK’s general elections. Boris Johnson’s news came via a letter to 20-year passionate campaigner against the rule Harry Shindler, who’s now 99 years...

Brit High Commission replies to UK expats on Cyprus

Brit High Commission replies to UK expats on Cyprus
Expats on Cyprus finally get a reply to their FAQs from the British High Commission. Provided nothing changes in the meantime, British expats on Cyprus now have clarity on some of their most relevant post-Brexit questions. The most important issue for many was the time limit on residency applications, with the deadline now the end of this...