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Retiring in Germany for US would-be expatriates

Retiring in Germany for US would-be expatriates
Germany may not be an obvious destination for expat retirees, but American pensioners are enjoying everything it has to offer. Although British expat retirees tend to head for warm or even tropical locations, perhaps due to the miserable UK weather patterns, retirees from the USA are more than happy to consider Germany for its reasonable...

Are expats falling out of love with the Land of Smiles?

Are expats falling out of love with the Land of Smiles?
A recent survey by a Thailand-based, expat-oriented online forum has revealed fewer expatriates than ever before are choosing Thailand as a career base or retirement hub. The bi-annual survey’s 2016 version first revealed that all was not well in the Land of Smiles’ expat communities, as a good number of respondents stated their...

Reasons to choose the Philippines for your expat retirement

Reasons to choose the Philippines for your expat retirement
Retiring abroad is increasingly popular nowadays, and there’s a good choice of suitable destinations. For would-be expat retirees looking for a perfect location offering a warm climate, an established expat community, friendly locals, a welcoming government, much more than a smattering of the English language and a cost of living suited...

Bad news for UK expat retirees as state pensions may be frozen

Bad news for UK expat retirees as state pensions may be frozen
The British Brexit team’s announcement that UK nationals living in EU member states will only get their state pension annual increases if the EU reciprocates has struck fear and fury into the hearts of UK expats in Europe. The 11–page policy paper entitled ‘Citizens’ Rights’ states lawmakers want to preserve the triple lock...

Expats in Utrecht to get new International Welcome Centre

Expats in Utrecht to get new International Welcome Centre
In response to the ever-growing influx of expat professionals to the Netherlands, Utrecht’s government is expanding services already provided into a dedicated International Welcome Centre. The current Expat Centre is now overwhelmed by newly-arrived expats needing help and is struggling with unacceptable long waiting times as a result....

Emerging markets and growth fuel expat rush to Southeast Asia

Emerging markets and growth fuel expat rush to Southeast Asia
The Southeast Asian region’s major urban hubs have experienced massive improvements in amenities and infrastructure over the past few years, resulting in expats arriving in unprecedented numbers. Asia’s rapid development over the past few years has drawn expatriate professionals from across the world, attracted by higher living...

Funding your expat retirement dream by working part time

Funding your expat retirement dream by working part time
Increasing numbers of older people are dreaming of an overseas retirement, but don’t have the financial resources to fund their dream, even in the most cost-conscious destinations. Luckily for the majority of retirement dreamers, there are ways to enhance less than satisfactory pensions payments and make the dream come true. Starting...

Relocation as a professional couple can cause reassignment failure

Relocation as a professional couple can cause reassignment failure
Relocating along with your partner to the USA presents a good number of personal challenges for the majority of spouses. Changes in the day-to-day lifestyle and long-term cultural integration are perhaps the trickiest issues for spouses accompanying their partners on relocation to the USA, especially if the accompanying spouse is planning...

Czech Republic tourism industry desperately needs expat workers

Czech Republic tourism industry desperately needs expat workers
Prague’s tourism industry is desperate for more employees as the numbers of foreign tourists visiting are at a peak and still rising. The Czech Republic might not yet be a major destination for expat professionals, but it’s now a hub for far too many tourists, according to a recent report. The hospitality industry is struggling to...

Changing your Dutch expat health insurance policy every year

Changing your Dutch expat health insurance policy every year
Expats in the Netherlands are being encouraged to adjust their private healthcare insurance to avoid being overcharged. In the vast majority of expat hubs across the world, private healthcare insurance is a necessity but can also wreck the budgets of all but the most financially comfortable foreign workers. The Netherlands is no exception...