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Chinese mafia take over favourite Cambodian beach town

Chinese mafia take over favourite Cambodian beach town
Expats who’ve made the Cambodian beach town of Sihanoukville their home are being driven out by a Chinese invasion. Once a haven for international expatriates for its laid-back lifestyle, inexpensive living costs, beautiful beaches and traditional culture, Sihanoukville is now a nightmare of casinos, rampant construction, high-rise...

UAE to launch long term visas to attract top talent expats

UAE to launch long term visas to attract top talent expats
The UAE is about to launch 10-year visas for expat professionals and investors in order to attract top talent and international cash. In a recent announcement, the UAE’s Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship confirmed its board has given the go for a plan implementing all cabinet decisions affecting visas made over the past two...

Spain in a nutshell for British retirees

Spain in a nutshell for British retirees
Spain is still one of the most attractive destinations for retirees, in spite of possible post-Brexit problems as regards healthcare and pension payments. Need to knows for potential British expats planning to settle in the country include the cost of living and, crucially, the standard and cost of healthcare once the European Health Card...

UK expats angry over Barclaycard cut off

UK expats angry over Barclaycard cut off
British expats with Barclaycards will see their accounts closed if they can’t provide an authorised British address. Barclaycard holders with overseas addresses in all but 11 overseas locations have been hit by the sudden change in the credit card giant’s terms and conditions. They have until August 6 to inform the bank of their UK...

Brexit select committee urges EU to officially protect UK expat rights

Brexit select committee urges EU to officially protect UK expat rights
Britain’s Brexit select committee has called on EU leaders to protect the rights of the one million UK citizens living in EU member states. \r\n\r\nAs Britain edges closer to a no-deal Brexit and UK expats in EU countries become even more afraid, Brexit select committee MPs are urging Brussels to ensure a public commitment to an estimated...

Expat families face huge hike in international school fees

Expat families face huge hike in international school fees
Expats relocating with their families are facing a massive hike in international school fees across 27 countries. A recent survey covering no less than 688 international schools in 27 world countries popular with relocating expat professionals has shown an average of 19 per cent tuition fee hikes. Combined with the increasing demand from...

Beijing outlaws Chinglish and provides multilingual emergency expat hotline

Beijing outlaws Chinglish and provides multilingual emergency expat hotline
Following its promise to deal with ‘Chinglish’ road signs and suchlike, China is planning a multilingual emergency services hotline in English. If expats needed proof that English is the world’ second language, they need look no further than Beijing’s attempt to make life easier for its 140,000 expatriates. The city’s latest...

Vietnam now popular with adventurous expatriates

Vietnam now popular with adventurous expatriates
In recent years, Vietnam has become a favourite destination for expatriates fascinated by all things Asian. Formerly known only for its devastating war and the poverty of its peoples, Vietnam has now shrugged off its troubled past and is becoming one of Southeast Asia’s expat favourites. With its great weather, refreshingly low cost of...

Top talent expats encouraged to apply for Chinese green card visa

Top talent expats encouraged to apply for Chinese green card visa
Beijing’s launch of its new ‘green card’ style elite visa for high-talent expat professionals is expected to attract the brightest and best to the Chinese capital. Applications from expats already living in China can be submitted between 23rd July and 31st, one of the only two slots available this year. First adopted in 2016, the...

Shanghai beating out Beijing as favourite expat destination

Shanghai beating out Beijing as favourite expat destination
Rivalry between Beijing and Shanghai as to which Chinese city is the favourite expatriate hub is becoming irrelevant. Traditionally, the two massive cities have battled to attract the brightest and best expatriate talent, but the ongoing rivalry seems be becoming irrelevant as Shanghai is now winning hands down. Of the 193,000 work permits...