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Unique Ashgabat tops out on world’s most expensive city listings

Unique Ashgabat tops out on world’s most expensive city listings
If you’re the type of expat professional who enjoys flitting from city to city, collecting life experiences as well as job experience, the world’s most expensive city is for you. Even although you may never have heard of Ashgabat, don’t let its name put you off, even although it sounds like something from the Lord of the Rings...

New style international schools in Asia are affordable for expat families

New style international schools in Asia are affordable for expat families
As the international school marketplace broadens, affordability is the new hallmark. Traditionally, the concept of international schooling was created for temporarily-resident expat families in far-flung locations in order to ensure their children didn’t fall behind on return to their home countries. A lot has changed since then, with...

Advice on choosing health insurance for expats in France

Advice on choosing health insurance for expats in France
Moving to France involves getting to know how the system works, especially as regards health insurance. Whist the French health system is widely recognised as being one of the world’s best, the bureaucratic side takes some understanding as it’s not exactly straightforward. Health insurance is known as being ‘complementary’,...

Smaller European towns as a route for expat digital nomads

Smaller European towns as a route for expat digital nomads
If you’re starting out as an expat digital nomad, don’t ignore Europe’s charming smaller cities. For those new to the digital nomad lifestyle, it’s far easier to head for major cities where English is often spoken, making it straightforward to get around and find a digital community, However, costs in urban centres are far higher...

Saving for your expat retirement gives a great choice of retirement havens

Saving for your expat retirement gives a great choice of retirement havens
It may seem unlikely, but in the right expat destination and the right business sector, expat professionals are able to save as much as a million dollars during their overseas working lives. Once retirement beckons, that amount of money opens up a magnificent selection of places you used to dream about in the early days of your career....

Are virtual healthcare services the next must-have for expatriates?

Are virtual healthcare services the next must-have for expatriates?
A recent survey indicates that virtual healthcare services are deemed the best by an average of almost 80 per cent of respondents. The survey, initiated by a well-known healthcare provider, attempted to discover which aspects of relocation overseas have the worst effect on expatriates’ wellbeing and health. Perhaps the most interesting...

How to cope with first language attrition as a newly arrived expat

How to cope with first language attrition as a newly arrived expat
First language attrition when learning a new language can be a problem for expats. Many expats who’ve accepted a relocation to an unfamiliar country with an even more unfamiliar language can experience ‘first language attrition’ – the forgetting of familiar words leading to an inability to correctly express themselves in their...

Advice on finding language tuition for expats in Italy

Advice on finding language tuition for expats in Italy
Learning Italian as an expat is a must for expatriates and long-term students. Whilst tourists visiting Italy can manage with only a smattering of Italian, expats and students will need far more in order to take advantage of everything this stunning land has to offer. The first thing to remember is that Italy is a land of local dialects...

Is Adelaide an expat refuge from a crazy world?

Is Adelaide an expat refuge from a crazy world?
If you’re thinking of the Australian city of Adelaide for your next relocation or retirement, checking on housing availability and costs of living are your first steps. Once regarded as being the back of beyond, Adelaide is now a thriving city with job opportunities and a great social life, with property seeming like a bargain after the...

Prospects for expat employment in the Gulf States decline still further

Prospects for expat employment in the Gulf States decline still further
If you’re looking to find employment in Oman, you’re perhaps just several years too late. Expats at managerial level looking to further their careers via a stint in Oman may well have to consider another destination as its job opportunities have now been vastly reduced in a move aimed at boosting the employment of locals. The recent...