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Stages of settling in for new expats in China

Stages of settling in for new expats in China
September in China sees a rush of students and expat professionals arriving to study, start small businesses, teach English and work in pre-arranged positions in the vast country’s major cities. Settling in anywhere is tricky for the vast majority of expatriates, but China holds unique challenges for Westerners as regards language,...

Expats heading to UAE urged to check their legal rights

Expats heading to UAE urged to check their legal rights
Expatriates heading to the UAE are being advised to check the emirates’ legal rights pertaining to worker-employer relationships. Legal rights for new expat employees in the UAE encompass wage negotiations, safe working conditions and incentives as well as other crucial rights given to employees by UAE laws. Once the written offer of...

Learning Chinese and more with apps

Learning Chinese and more with apps
Apps are your best friend if you’re heading to China and learning Chinese. Whether you’re heading to China for work, for a start-up, as a student or intern or simply because you want to be there, learning at least some Standard Chinese will help you have the experience of a lifetime. For those on a limited budget and even less time to...

Telling it like it is on drinking laws in Dubai

Telling it like it is on drinking laws in Dubai
Misinterpreting Dubai’s totally confusing laws on drinking alcohol can land expats or tourists in prison. Last week, yet another visitor to Dubai was incarcerated along with her four-year old daughter for three days due to her having accepted a glass of red wine from a stewardess during her flight from the UK. Recently, another Briton...

Speaking Dutch boosts expat work and social life

Speaking Dutch boosts expat work and social life
Even if you’ve studied the Dutch language in your home country before you arrived, it’s best to continue studying once you’re there. Fluency in the language of your new country of residence isn’t just about getting by at work in a combination of English and Dutch, it’s about socialising and learning to use casual speech and its...

Rating the South Africa expat experience

Rating the South Africa expat experience
South Africa is famous for its stunning natural beauty, its climate and its varied leisure options, but many expats have other concerns. For expatriates, South Africa gives a more than acceptable quality of life as regards amenities, leisure options and travel, no matter where they live and work in the country. However, for a good number...

Expats in Beijing fall in love with hutong life

Expats in Beijing fall in love with hutong life
As Chinese citizens go crazy for new, ultra-modern apartments, expats are queuing to move into the traditional hutong districts. Nowadays, modern Chinese consider hutongs and their traditional siheyuan dwellings to be uncomfortable, inconvenient and decidedly old-fashioned, whilst expats from developed countries see them through...

Brexit may result in frozen pensions for expats in Europe

Brexit may result in frozen pensions for expats in Europe
British citizens still planning to retire overseas are being urged to take financial advice about possible changes to social security agreements post-Brexit. EU member states have reciprocal agreements with the UK on social security provisions, but there’s been no guidance as yet as to whether these will remain valid after Brexit kicks...

Advice on buying a home in New Zealand

Advice on buying a home in New Zealand
Buying a new home in New Zealand is the goal of the majority of expats arriving to live, work or invest. Although home ownership doesn’t guarantee residency in New Zealand, it’s still the preferred option for many of those who’ve arrived to work and are now planning on staying long-term. It’s easy to fall in love with the islands...

Advice on buying a home in New Zealand

Advice on buying a home in New Zealand
Buying a new home in New Zealand is the goal of the majority of expats arriving to live, work or invest. Although home ownership doesn’t guarantee residency in New Zealand, it’s still the preferred option for many of those who’ve arrived to work and are now planning on staying long-term. It’s easy to fall in love with the islands...